Velious Winter Rewards: December Rewards

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Amnerys, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-agentsix Guest

    Sanati wrote:
    You see - the thing is - SoE has already said that those who use Game Cards will get the rewards.

    Amnerys wrote:
    And there is nothing different between those who use a Game Card monthly and those who manually subscribe one month at a time.
  2. ARCHIVED-Sanati Guest

    I'm sure mechanically there is a difference.
    SOE needs to look at subscribers and make earning projections to decide what type of budget they can use for further content development. For game card users they can just assume X% will continue buying cards every month. For subscribers it's probably harder to estimate things when people are attempting to manually subscribe, they can't look at canceled accounts and assume any number of them aren't really leaving. Surely they want you to subscribe normally. However I think any of you who missed the rewards because you had canceled will probably be getting them anyway in the next week.
  3. ARCHIVED-Tomyris Guest

    whether game card or monthly subscription, would have been fine if Sony had mentioned that recurring thing in their velious winter rewards announcement. That would have saved a lot of disappointment :(
  4. ARCHIVED-agentsix Guest

    Still no official word?
    Will those who have subscriptions that do not automatically recur get the December rewards?
  5. ARCHIVED-melaine_dvarvensplitter Guest

    My account is paid in full til April 1st 2011 and still no sign of rewards but I still get the canned response of it's being done in batches etc. /sigh
    I will once again in April Resub for another year at a time.
    Let's get the rewards fixed please!!!!
  6. ARCHIVED-TNMRat Guest

    Nearly a week now, and still nothing. I'm resigned to the fact that those of us not in last week's giveaway are not getting it, and most likely there will be no explanation. That, too, is from years of MMOs. My only complaint is that it means we cann't get the rewards in February, wether they fix it in January or not. And for those who gloat about getting yours, remember that January is required too, and the same glitch that got us could just as easily get you next time, or even a whole new glitch. Enjoy it while you can. As for me, I'll continue to play Galaxies and even EQ2, while waiting out the DCU and Old Republic releases.
  7. ARCHIVED-asdfasdf Guest

    no rewards here too.
    I paid for 3 months and then canceled immediately because I can't play in Feb, 2011. But I am actually playing right now, and will keep playing until next month, why there is no reward for me?
  8. ARCHIVED-Wilin Guest

    When you cancel an account, it no longer appears in SOE's system as "ACTIVE". For the remainder of the paid time after the cancellation, the account is listed as "PENDING". If time expires, it then becomes "CANCELLED". I also believe with a game card that the account will show that it is "PENDING". So, the fix to this would be to issue the rewards to anyone who is either "ACTIVE" or "PENDING". But, the silence seems to indicate that they might not be willing to do that.
    Good luck to all those affected!
  9. ARCHIVED-melaine_dvarvensplitter Guest

    Well ain't that a bit..... Even though I am set to auto debit in March when account expires so I am paid until April and then I reup for another year we get a nice screwing... /sigh
    SJ... these are the details that need to be in BOLD PRINT... /grumble
    Well at least I know I would normally of been able to get them but now I will take the screwing on this ... /sigh
  10. ARCHIVED-illaria Guest

    So any update?
    I was paid up through September 2011 but will not get the rewards? This makes me sad
  11. ARCHIVED-Vishu Guest

    Well, I won't be reupping my sub then. Half the reason I came back was due to these winter rewards and such, wanted to stay and play til Velious came out but now I'm not eligible for anything because I didn't know I couldn't just resub monthly like I have done with every MMO I've played over the last 10 years.
  12. ARCHIVED-Veto Guest

    asdfasdf wrote:
    Same here. I just cancelled the recurring subscription charge, since I'm not sure what kind of subscription plan I will want to pay for when March comes around. Their criteria states that the *account* must be active and in good standing, not the subscription plan. Since my account clearly states that it closes on 3/13/2011 that means that its currently Active, regardless of what my subscription status shows (which yes, is Pending).
    I have a ticket in on this and decided to come check forums to see what the issue might be, and I certainly hope that SOE isn't going to make us ineligible for cancelling a 3 month subscription plan. (or any subscription plan)
  13. ARCHIVED-Cyliena Guest

    Veto wrote:
    There's a response about this in a thread on the general forums, putting in a ticket seems to be the correct method to use:
  14. ARCHIVED-Veto Guest

    Cyliena@Everfrost wrote:
    Thank you, I'll check that out. I've had a sneaky feeling that the Pending status might be an issue (they weren't clear and there's no way to undo that) and I don't use these forums, but decided to come poking around and this is the main thread that Search found.
  15. ARCHIVED-MurFalad Guest

    Can anyone confirm a point here, do we get one possible vampire created per an account?
    Or do we get the race unlocked one per an account?

    Its not clear to me, in one SOE post its listed as one per an account, yet in another later one it talks about the race being unlocked.
  16. ARCHIVED-Cyliena Guest

    MurFalad wrote:
    "And lastly, a quick word about the Winter Promotions campaign. The February reward grants all qualified participants the "Unlock: Freeblood" ability." -
  17. ARCHIVED-ShadyCharacter Guest

    Look at all the bad will this obtuse definition and obfusicated announcement has made.
    SoE could turn most of that around by allowing all paying customers, regardless of how they choose to pay, access to this race. SoE are getting the exact same money from me, but because I haven't said ahead of time, your getting more of my money, apparantly my money isn't good enough. It isn't as if someone could get the race for free and then keep utilizing it without paying a subscription.
    At least if it was clear before the December rewards I might have begrudingly accepted, but it wasn't until it was too late.
    Was this intentional to get more people to buy the race?
    Please don't mistake this as normal forum indignation. I have had a lot of good times on EQ2 and I was hoping for a lot more before EQ3, but along with other policy changes of late SoE is coming off very heavy handed in reaching for our wallets. I have been involved with other companies that treat you more as a cash cow than a customer and in my experience it isn't very sustainable.