Vacrul Patterns for Mount Recipes-MIA?

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Bhayar, Nov 26, 2022.

  1. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    A while back, I got a Vacrul recipe book full of mount recipes for what looks to be improvements over current Mahngavi/Karruupa mount gear. I have yet to see any patterns drop and neither has anyone else in the guild. Nothing has dropped from H1/H2/Challenge, or Raids.
    Can anyone share any insights as to where these mysteriously missing patterns are to be obtained? Much thanks.
  2. Priority Well-Known Member

    A quick Eq2u search shows that most of the patterns haven't even discovered on every server, so yea. Pretty sure they're just a stupid low drop chance. That's considering all the farming that occurred during the double/increased loot week as well.
  3. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Priority. Yeah, we were doing a lot of running instances ourselves in the guild, but nobody had ever seen any pattern ever. In this day of limited resources because of people to do the job, I'm wondering what the logic is for spending time and human resources designing and putting a product into a game that virtually no one ever sees--especially during the loot week you mention.
  4. Benj Well-Known Member

    There was a lot, and I mean A LOT, of mount patterns dropping in raids back in January. Not too long into the expac (a month or two?) these patterns just disappeared. Seems there was some complaint about mount patterns dropping off raid bosses (not just trash) and more specifically about crafting mount patterns dropping in raids. I'm not certain that any of the patterns are on any of the loot tables anymore. Most of the Mahngavi and Karuupa patterns people got were collection rewards.
  5. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    I remember hearing that as well as seeing in our raids, Benj, so you're conclusion would seem to have merit.
  6. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    And at this point it's moot because new expansion mount tack will be better.
  7. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    Yes and no. You're overlooking the most obvious point.
  8. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    No. I reported the issue not long after the change was made. The tack fell into the cracks never to be seen again. I just can't muster any excitement about it with the new expansion two days away.
  9. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    That's odd, because when I did a search for anything with Vacrul mount in it, not one entry popped up--in any category. So I'm not clear on what issue you reported on or what methodology you used to report it regarding a change that was made. That's not the most obvious point, but it's staring you in the face because it's related. Here's the problem. Human resources are the most valuable asset a company like DBG has. Most of their work is done by human assets, not machines. What's the one thing you're always hearing from them when it comes to getting stuff done? 'We don't have the resources." I get the human resources issue, but when you expend the hours someone has to spend building these items, adding to the loot tables, etc. and add a virtual "never a drop" to the item, that's a waste of your most valuable resource. If that's your intent, why bother adding the item to begin with? If you're adding something that maybe only 20 people in the entire player community will see, where's the logic in even bothering to create them in the first place. That's a waste of valuable resources better spent elsewhere. And if you do create them and you're told, guess what it ain't working as intended and you can't be bothered to fix it, it also says a lot about attitudes and it's not a positive message. If you've got limited human resources, you don't waste time having them work on stuff no one will ever see. Not maximizing the assets you have isn't a human resource problem, it's a leadership problem. But that's a whole different topic and problem that the player base has zero responsibility for.
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