Upgraded Spells

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by iceverything, Mar 9, 2024.

  1. iceverything Master of Respawning

    When I scribe a new spell why do I get the msg.... Not replacing XXX with XXX because XXX has been upgraded. My new spells have better stats or do way more dmg but game does not replace them on my hot bars so I must look them up in spell book and dbl check and then replace them myself. I just got 24+ spells made and now Im spending HOURS going though book to dbl check and hot bars to dbl check. Why wont you just fix the problem and save us the hassle and time? It has been a problem for such a long time and is a HUGE problem that needs to be addressed and fixed. Not everyone knows this and plays with old spells thinking they have new spells.
    GrunEQ and Beee like this.
  2. Zornar Member

    I know from checking the tooltips that sometimes a grandmaster spell of the previous level can be more powerful than a master spell one level higher. Usually, the game makes the right decision but not always.
    On the spells/combat arts tab in the knowledge book there is a Sort button in the middle, bottom. If you check the "Max Level Spells Only" it reduces the clutter. On one character it cut the pages from 15 down to 4.
    I still don't know how to determine which is the most powerful version of spells that summon temporary pets, such as the Necromancer's Awaken Grave and Undead Horde. The tooltips provide no details of the damage/healing the temporary pets do.
  3. GrunEQ Well-Known Member

    I found this to very annoying, also, I check before they are even scribed to make sure, and most times I have to manually put the upgraded spell on the hotbar. It's a very misleading message and especially new people won't know to double check.