Upgrade Alberich the Wise request.

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Holyduke, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Holyduke Member

    Greetings all!

    This post is about a long time quest that I have been on for months, to purchase Alberich the Wise.

    Alberich the Wise came out a few months before the expansion was release. I know I would not have enough time to buy this mount, but I figured it should be the best mount in the game do to the steep price that comes with it. I have been working on writs over and over to try to buy this mount. For those that don’t know you can buy this mount for 2100P and 300,000,000SP. That’s right, 300,000,000SP.

    To show you who long this would take someone here is what I have been doing. The Adventure Writ Agent can give you 6 writs up in Obol. Doing all 6 writs will net you 164,066SP. It takes about 15 minutes to complete the round. So in one hour you will get 656,264SP. To make the math easy in 90 minutes, you will net almost 1,000,000. Meaning if you started at zero it would take you 450 hours. Now that is a long quest! For those wondering I am at 133,478,806 as of this post.

    What is my complain? Well here are 2 other mounts that are in the game and Alberich the Wise. Alberich the Wise is missing something very important.


    Alberich the Wise is obsolete do to everyone needing more Resists. I am requesting for such a long time sync in the mount, could you add some resists to Alberich the Wise? As of now, sure it has some nice stats, but who would work on getting this except for looks? To me because it requires level 95 to ride and the steep price, it should be better then all other mounts or at least on par with them. I am not asking for more Crit Bonus or Potency but resist are so important now.

    Dev's thank you for your consideration.

    Either way, having a blast with Alter of Malice!!
  2. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Stripped savage pteranodon costs $90 so it should be better than 300mil stat mount for a new zone. 300mil stat is alot but doesn't require to dig in your real pockets. So no. I disagree.

    Get a new mount that is even better than CE mount by completing the easy solo sig questline. It won't cost anything at all.
  3. Qixil Active Member

    Yeah, I gave up on AtW long before AoM came out as it was already assumed the new mounts would be better at MUCH less effort. Who knows, maybe there will be another SP mount that tops them all (but will probably cost like 1,000,000,000 and 5000 plat). Waste of time IMO. ONly reason I'd even want AtW is for the looks and ability mod, and I don't care enough to spend that much time on it. Can have the CE or sig mount paid for after working/questing for a day or two, whereas the status mount takes what, a year or 10.
  4. Holyduke Member

    Kraeref and Qixil thank you for proving my point. A mount that takes this much time should be better then an easy solo quest line.
  5. Nubek Active Member

    I completely agree. The Status Point requirement is so prohibitive and will literally take hours upon days upon months to acquire. It should be the best mount in game since it is practically unattainable.