Updated ProSiebenSat.1 Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Piestro, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Piestro Guest

  2. ARCHIVED-Morgania434 Guest

    So basically it took you all 3 months to hammer out the no ip locks, instead you make it mandatory for EU customers to use pss1. Which 99% of them REFUSE to do and have stated so in many posts here.

    Everything else looks exactly the same, just longer sentences.

    Oh and lets not forget that your Start date for this was YESTERDAY THE 29TH.
    Seems like you all do KNOW how your playerbase would react.

    Very sad day for EQ2.

    p.s. Thank you for posting the new faq Piestro, this isn't directed at you, but at the Big Wigs who made the decision.
  3. ARCHIVED-Heph Guest

    Ok, this deal sucks all the same it was 3 months ago, except we can play on every servers. You just killed the little trust I still have in you.
    Great job, I hope you'll company gets the same consideration from its banks than you show to us, your customers.
  4. ARCHIVED-Seffrid Guest

    I'm grateful for the updated FAQ, and for the fact that it has been issued before the end of this week, albeit after far too long a silence from SOE and still with no direct communication from any SOE executive outside of the Community Relations team with their playerbase of many years standing.
    The situation would appear to be as we feared, that those of us in Europe unwilling to sign up with ProSieben now have no option but to leave EQ2, and that will be my own position.
    I am also active in EQ1 and will continue to play that game through my SOE account, with considerable reservations it has to be said. If I am only able to play future games such as EQ Next through ProSieben then I will pass on those games. I dare say, however, that EQ Next will not be the traditional kind of EQ MMO that I would be interested in anyway.
    Please note that I do not consent to my outstanding EQ2 subscription being forcibly transferred to another company but that I do wish it to be credited to my EQ1 account - can it please be confirmed that this will be in order. I signed my 6 months subscription with SOE and no-one else, and there is no legal basis on which it is transferable without my consent.
    Similarly, I do not consent to my SC being transferred to a different currency under another company, it must remain on my SOE account for use in EQ1.
    Can it please be confirmed whether there will be some kind of IP locking that will prevent F2P SOE accounts being run from Europe on the US servers?
    Naturally I am hugely disappointed by the outcome on this, it's a sad day indeed for EQ2, but if I've misread the updated FAQ and I can in fact continue to play EQ2 from the UK through my SOE account and without the need to transfer my characters whether on US or EU servers to ProSieben then doubtless someone will correct me.
  5. ARCHIVED-Morgania434 Guest

    What happens to our running subscriptions? Players who have pre-paid, non-recurring SOE subscriptions will automatically have their subscriptions transferred over to ProSiebenSat.1 Games so they can continue enjoying any remaining play time left on the account. For players who have a pre-paid, recurring SOE subscription, their remaining subscription time will also be transferred over to ProSiebenSat.1 Games; however, the subscription will not renew at the end of the current cycle. Once the subscription expires, players will be required to re-subscribe through the ProSiebenSat.1 Games system in order to continue enjoying the benefits of a similar membership. I'm a European player; after I create my ProSieben account, will my SOE account be shut down? No, your SOE account will not be shut down. You will be able to access the above mentioned SOE games through your ProSieben account, and you'll be able to access other SOE games (like the original EverQuest) through your existing SOE account. There is your anwer Seffrid. As sad as it is.
  6. ARCHIVED-dizzythecat Guest

    So we are being forced to use a company we do not trust, many of us hang on, praying you would listen but it seems the the 3000+ posts have fallen on deaf ears , THANK YOU Soe for making me quit a game i have played since launch !!!
  7. ARCHIVED-Seffrid Guest

    Morgania434 wrote:
    Yes, but you (and no doubt SOE) forget an important point - there will be no ProSieben account for my outstanding EQ2 subscription to be transferred to. I won't be creating one.
    In those circumstances SOE only have three options available to them:-
    1. Allow me to continue to play the game through them in accordance with the agreement when I signed up.
    2. Allow the outstanding benefit of the subscription to be transferred to my EQ1 account.
    3. Refund the outstanding benefit to me, and if that option is adopted then in fairness (and arguably in law) it ought to be done with effect from no later than today.
    I would like an answer from SOE as to which option they intend to adopt in cases such as mine.
  8. ARCHIVED-Mermut Guest

    How will the determination of an EU vs a non-EU account be made? What about people who travel and play while abroad?
  9. ARCHIVED-AppyH Guest

    Morgania434 wrote:
    Oh dear, 99% of the customers will quit? I'm pretty sure most customers will hardly care, or simply be somewhat annoyed and still keep on.
  10. ARCHIVED-dawy Guest

    Laughable it really is.
  11. ARCHIVED-Morgania434 Guest

    I was talking specifically about EU customers who posted in the other now locked feedback thread that has over 3000 posts in it. Not to mention the decline that has already happened since this was first announced. Not to mention NOTHING has still been posted about people who travel, or people who live in Australia, but whose billing comes from London. Etc. etc. etc... All that said, yes you are probably correct. Most STILL have their heads in the sand. At least until they see whole guilds gone and can't pug anymore, except with brand new players......
  12. ARCHIVED-Geothe Guest

    So in summary after months of no further word.
    Yes, Euro players have in fact been outright sold to another company.
    Sorry Euro players :(
  13. ARCHIVED-Wurm Guest

    Game Over for Me... no way am I going to have anything to do with PSS1.
    It was fun while it lasted but this is a deal breaker for me.
  14. ARCHIVED-SOE-MOD-16 Guest

    This post has moved: /eq2/posts/preList.m?topic_id=514444&post_id=5739773 Personal Attack
  15. ARCHIVED-dawy Guest

    Wurm wrote:
    Agreed they just dont get it do they?

    Very few people will have anything to do with PSS1 i'll stay till the change over if i havent gone full time to SWTOR by then.
  16. ARCHIVED-SgtPmpkn Guest

    Wurm wrote:
    Sorry to see you and many more leave, especially looking at the forum creation date... less and less 2004's around.
  17. ARCHIVED-Trevynoae Guest

    Quick and important question:

    Will I (located in Europa) have to use a PSS1 account to access characters on US servers? Or can I continue using my SOE account for that.
    There is nothing really in the FAQ giving me a definite answer to this - so I have to ask.
    To put it blunt: if I have to use a PSS1 account - I am done.
  18. ARCHIVED-SOE-MOD-16 Guest

    This post has moved: /eq2/posts/preList.m?topic_id=514444&post_id=5739793 Personal Attack
  19. ARCHIVED-dawy Guest

    Trevynoae wrote:
    Glad its not just me becuase i cant see that clear answer either,i suspect behind the marketing speak the answer will be no you need a Pro 7 account.
  20. ARCHIVED-Moldylocks Guest

    Well, I'm not really surprised at all by this revision. I think many of us said that when it gets published it will be announced as a done deal, so take it or leave it. And *gasp* look what happened.
    Deal aside for a moment, what is really disappointing is that after all these many, many weeks not much at all was changed in the FAQ or its answers. With all the feedback submitted, including 2 community created FAQ, SOE is clearly still not listening to their customers.
    The writing was on the wall back in January. This belaboured end-result was entirely predictable.
    (Edit) One thing I have to add: In this newest feedback thread, as per the previous two, will the concerned community (read: your paying customers) get answers to their questions, will there be back-and-forth dialogue, or will it be business as usual and a grim silence descend for another month or more?