Upcoming Balance Adjustments

Discussion in 'PvP & Battlegrounds' started by Omougi, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Exur Well-Known Member

    Wow... almost 10 years into a game and you're the first person to not tell me, "How the F do you play like that." My mouse is used for targeting pets, adjusting my view and looting chests. Flying I guess too. I don't know how everyone else mouse clicks everything... I feel bad for their mice. I've actually PvP'ed without a UI a few times. Was pretty fun, but you really do need to see the target windows.
  2. Amunet New Member

    I don't know how anyone plays clicking their hotbars. I can't do it, every single skill and ability i have is a separate key. The mouse only for targeting and turning view. Having spell timer window up and larger icons on targets is key. Also macros are very useful (target self macro and alias macros). I have 10 hotbars open all full, keys set to at least half (other stuff like guild call, portals, mounts, etc) Should start a thread, real pvpers hit keys not click :p