[Unrest] Veteran Raider Turned Newbie Back and Lost

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by ARCHIVED-Beldrin, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Beldrin Guest

    Coming back after this many years is overwhelming
    I've dusted off a couple of my old characters, Frazzle, a level 50 (hey, I come from when this was max level) gnome dirge on Unrest (Formerly of Najena).
    Sporting my PGT, FBSS, Jboots and some other old timer crap (Full Ebon, baby!). Raid gear from level 50 raids. It looks like most guilds at end game are now looking for Troubs and Chanters mostly. I started the betrayal quest to change over to troubador, mainly just to get my sea legs again playing. I could play my chanter, as he's like level 28ish and I have so much leveling to do the difference wouldn't be signficant.
    I'm used to hard core raiding guilds, but don't have the knowledge about the current game to really contribute at the level I'm used to. I can play a dirge, betray and be a troub, or play my chanter. I would be happy doing either. I'm really looking for a knowledgeable and competent raiding guild that would be understanding of my predicament and would more keep me around as kind of a mascot/groupie until I was of decent enough level to contribute in a meaningful way. I will carry water and towells. Fluffing is not on the table.
    If you're on the Unrest server and looking to add a chanter or bard to your ranks and willing to help an old timer get back in the swing of things, give me a holler.
  2. ARCHIVED-zuse123 Guest

    you can look at our post by my name and see what you think
    We arent a raid guild nor do we want to be the 6 man instances are more fun in our humble opinion but your welcome to use us as a launch pad if you like get leveled geared then find a raid guild that suits ya.
  3. ARCHIVED-Rocc Guest

    Dont betray! Trust me you'll get more action as a dirge. I have both and 99% of the time when I spam /lfg I get the dirge requested. Welcome back! Consider some of the larger guilds. You'll have better luck finding people to group with.