Unrest needs tuned down a bit Please!

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-monrofayy, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-monrofayy Guest

    i understand it's not really a big deal to some people, specially if you got good or decent gear, good group make up ect and i'm not asking to NERF the mobs to hell and back or make it easy anuff to kill while sleeping but i think the mobs in unrest need to be tuned down a tad by 5- 15% i understand lotta people like the fact it's a challenge but how about it adjusting to the groups that enter it? lately it's been a nightmare trying to find people that wanna go let alone one that survive longer then7 min after zoning in most i have grouped with agrees it needs to be adjusted a tad , like i said before i'm not crying for it to get nerfed to hell and have everything handed on a silver platter but having this happen before i can blink is scary [IMG] just my 2 coppers
  2. ARCHIVED-sahet Guest

    [p]Unrest is already way too easy...Except for stupid mistakes, such as ninja afk's or harvesting shinies during fights, it's almost impossible to die in that zone...[/p][p]And considering that the top heroic loot in the game drops there, it should be tough...I think the zone is fine as it is and if any changes need to be made, it's the the nameds in Unrest are too easy...[/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-Zardoz Guest

    When a pickup group of non-fabled characters can clear the instance with no or few wipes the zone should not be tuned down. If a level 70 group repeatedly dies in the Estate of Unrest -- especially at the entrance -- it is not the difficulty of the zone that is killing them -- it is the group composition (classes) or the players themselves.
  4. ARCHIVED-Methriln Guest

    I am going to have to disagree 100% with the op. This is one group instance that i actually like. It is fun long and best designed group zone in game imo. The difficulty dose not need to be reduced. I have cleared this zone on a raid and non raid geared toon and not had a problem either way. If its so hard for you maybe you need to look at how your group is set up and how your playing in the zone.
  5. ARCHIVED-Slayer505 Guest

    I completely disagree with the OP as well. This zone is just fine as is. Yes I'm a fully raid equiped tank in a raiding guild and right now Unrest is the only heroic zone with any amount of challenge at all. Yes I'm a raider but I like doing group instances with my friends too. The only time I've ever wiped in there was when someone used an AE in a bad spot. Most of the time we sail through the entire zone in about an hour and a half tops. There's plenty of easy zones out there for people who don't have the gear or want an easy instance, and you can get some pretty decent gear in zones besides Unrest. Yes, Unrest has some of the best gear you can get in heroic level content, but guess what, it's called risk vs. reward.
  6. ARCHIVED-Jayad Guest

    Yes, the easy-ness of this zone needs to be tuned down. ;)
  7. ARCHIVED-Sorffats Guest

    [p]I, as well, have to disagree with the post starter. I don't think the zone is too easy, either, though. I think that SOE, FINALLY, got something right. Just the amount of difficulty needed to test your skills in both fighting and operating as a group. I haven't got one piece of raid gear on my toon, and my guild goes thru unrest just fine. When we first went in, yeah, it was difficult and we went thru alot of repair kits, and it took about 7 hours the first time and we didn't even make it to the end. Just yesterday afternoon, we broke our time record and made it thru unrest in 3 hours and 10 minutes. [/p][p]Granted, I am on a pvp server, and I do have two pieces of EOF pvp gear as well as wielding two pvp weapons. but I am far from being raid equipted. ANd the same goes for the rest of my guild (we really just started raiding labs once a week, most of our focus has been on pvp and instances).[/p]
  8. ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata Guest

    I have to disagree here... Nizara & Castle Mistmoore are way harder than Unrest IMO. My guild groups burn those mobs down like we were killing green solos or something. Long, boring, easy, and no point in going there really if you are in a raiding guild and already have the AA from there... unless you just have to have the buckler or cloak or something.
  9. ARCHIVED-Badaxe Bart Guest

    [p]Its a tricky zone. Those cucoys are sneaky. I do wish there were an simpler way to get rid of the bombs in the bags though.[/p][p] [/p]
  10. ARCHIVED-Vormulac Guest

    jesus why don't you just ask them to make a option to click the door and get the loot you want? This game is supposed to have SOME challenge in it. And frankly i have to agree with a previous post that it's too dang easy as it is. They need to stop with this Romper room, Strawberry shortcake difficulty and make the game at least take some skill to do things.
  11. ARCHIVED-Sorffats Guest

    [p]Of course all the raid geared people are going to think Unrest too easy. I don't necessarily think it as easy, but don't find it overwhelmingly difficult either. But as a previous poster has stated, Nizira and Mistmoor Castle are both harder than unrest when it comes to fighting the actual mobs. Nizira is, by far, the most difficult single group instance in the game. Each and every mob in nizira have x2 strength and hp. It takes a very solid and competent group to go thru nizira. [/p][p]SOE has to think of everyone when they add content. Raid geared folks can breeze thru some encounters that non-raid geared folks will have trouble with. Not everything can have it's difficulty set toward the raid geared. In the same breath, however, not everything can be set with ease toward those not raid geared. IMO, unrest is a happy mdeium of the two. It requires thought, precise process for the most part, and has some difficulty. I'd have to give kudos to SOE for the first time ever (and I been playing a long time...6 years of EQ1, nearly 2 years of EQ2) in the creation of unrest.[/p]
  12. ARCHIVED-Slayer505 Guest

    Sorry, I meant to say instance, not zone. The Castle is much MUCH harder. I've never tried Nizara mostly because the general concensus in my guild seems to be it's not worth the effort. It's challenging but the rewards aren't worth the trouble. In Unrest the rewards are worth the trouble (mainly because I still don't have the melee cloak yet). Not only that but from what I understand Nizara takes a really long time to run whereas we can do Unrest in under 2 hours. My point is Unrest right now is challenging enough to make it interesting with some rewards that in some cases are even stuff raiders will use. If you make it easier... yeah I think plenty of people have already covered that so I'll leave it at that ;)
  13. ARCHIVED-Vraneth Guest

    Unrest is too easy given the loot you can get from there, we pushed trhough in something like 1 hour 25 mins with 1 healer and me tanking on my alt bruiser. Nizara is way too easy nowadays aswell, I can tank that on my bruiser alt with a single healer, it used to take at least a plate tank if you wanted to solo heal it, but not anymore. We need more group instances that are like Nizara was way back when it was released.
  14. ARCHIVED-Tazric Guest

    Vraneth wrote:
    Since Nizara came out its ALWAYS been easier to tank as a bruiser, the rest of your post is now out of context.
  15. ARCHIVED-Vraneth Guest

    [p]Maybe Nizara was always easier to tank on a brawler, I don't know I didn't experince it that way but /shrug.[/p][p]However, I can't really see how the rest of it is out of context, OP is whining about Unrest being too hard when in fact the zone is way too easy given the quality on the loot that drops in there. If me pointiing this out and giving my oopinion on it is being out of context then this whole thread is out of context.[/p][p]Further, I still stand by my request for more single group instances that actually are a CHALLENGE and not something I can do with my alt in crap gear while I'm half asleep.[/p]
  16. ARCHIVED-Jalek Guest

    HoF WAS a challenge but guess what, people like the OP got it nerfed. Sorry but Unrest is spot on, you need a decent setup and not to be dressed in treasured to do it easily. Ive had a tank in mastercrafted do fine though because he had a good group, with legendary drops like COP still easily obtainable most tanks worth their salt should have no issues unless they try it with a single healer or 2 druids and no decent DPS.
  17. ARCHIVED-Kizee Guest

    [p]I actually think it should be harder because of the nice loot that drops in there.[/p][p]I was falling asleep solo healing in there. No challenge at all.[/p]
  18. ARCHIVED-g0thiC_iCe_cReaM Guest

    [p]i would have to say unrest is probably my favorite zone evah...if anything they could turn it up a notch on some stuff, but over all i think it's one of the most well put together instances in the game...actually was a challenge...most of the time my guild just breezes through t7 group instances, and we're not all that uber equipped either[/p][p]i wish they would take what they learned from makin unrest and redo the regular instance of nek castle :)[/p]
  19. ARCHIVED-KBern Guest

    [p]I am sure you will take this the wrong way but Unrest is a very easy zone. If you cannot handle Unrest you need to work on your gear, spell quality, or tactics.[/p][p]They cannot make this any easier and risk it being a boring zone like all the others out there now. [/p]
  20. ARCHIVED-quamdar Guest

    why do people not like progression? if the zone is too hard go to HoF, blackscale sepulcher, crypts of valdoon, obelisk of blight, vaults of elarad, etc. and gear up then go there when you have better gear/spells. having bad gear should not be a reason to nerf this zone, it should be a reason for you to go farm lower end zones like everyone else that is clearing it now did.