Fixed Internally Unrest collection : Gooey Bits Meta

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Tanithelas, Oct 20, 2023.

  1. Tanithelas Member

    Is the reward correct? It's an illusion which is the same illusion granted from a single collection earlier in the quest. Also it has the same effects as a previously done sig line early in ROR as far as effects a zone which only pops during sig line. Just making sure this is working as intended and not a bug.

    Daxdd, FuRiouSOne, Jinksie and 6 others like this.
  2. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    Actually, the reward can't be correct because the signature is long gone. We cannot go back to a completed signature instance. "Rath Mana: Mission Most Heated" was a part of the Sandstone Delta signature line.

    There is also the final item reward in addition to the reward from one of the sub-collections that relates to this in the same way.
    So it will be a bug / placeholder items that were forgotten to be converted into the correct ones. The text and conditions stated are the same as in the sigline item. It makes no sense to give us this thing as final meta collection "Shattered Overture" reward.
    Jinksie likes this.
  3. Skixxxx Member

    fixed internally already ...

    now the question is, what exactly is fixed and how
    maybe you can cast it everywhere now and the description
    is fixed ...
    Jinksie likes this.
  4. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    Correct :) ... we see nothing fixed hehe:eek:
  5. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    Let's hope that it's not just a pointless illusion item, but rather, as most people expected, the final update to the collection necklace. Which should probably be the item announced in the producers newsletter, which can be used as a boost in the next addon for a while.

    At least that's what most people are hoping for after the short time it took to complete the last series of collections in the current add-on.
    Agarth and Skixxxx like this.
  6. Taled Well-Known Member

    Gooey Gobdrop illusion has the wrong text, but does not actually give the same illusion as the Festering Bag one, fwiw. It actually does turn you into the Gooey Gobdrop.
  7. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    Test server notes:
    • Gooey Gobdrop - This illusion no longer has unintended predicates for use.
    • Festering Bag - This illusion no longer has unintended predicates for use.
    Unfortunately, it seems that there is really only a pointless illusion as the final reward of the Shattered Overture meta collection.

    The questions now are, for this nonsense we have now run the Shattered Unrest instances about 50 times? This feels somehow wrong because it disappoints people and in turn takes away the fun. A lot of effort invested for no benefit whatsoever.

    Others have spent billions in platinum to complete their Shattered Overture collections.

    And the question still remains, where should the item be that was announced in the producers newsletter and that can be usefully used in the next add-on?
    It should be something that the broad masses of players can achieve and not something that not even 0.1% of the entire community might be lucky enough to get.
    Jinksie, Daxdd, Denebi and 1 other person like this.
  8. Skixxxx Member

    wasted effort to "fix" it, nobody will ever cast it anyway
  9. Jinksie Well-Known Member

    I am thinking that might be the Ebb and Flow adorns that you get from the Triumphs that require killing H3 Challenge names. Which a lot of folks in my guild won't do.

    I have all my No Trade shinies from Heroic Nek Forest, but still need like 10 regular shinies. I am not going to pay 50M plat on the broker for them if all I get is an illusion (as cute, weird and silly as it is). Now no one in my guild wants to really run the zone since there is no point on earning the meta reward (their words, not mine - just completing the collection is worth it for me as I am a completionist). So I am not sure where to go from here... :(

    A guild mate did say he got the illusion for turning in one of the collections but has not finished the meta yet. I am now confused on what the meta reward is... unless he is confused...

    (edited for typos)
  10. Taled Well-Known Member

    There are two different illusions.

    Gooey Gobdrop comes from one of the individual collections; Festering Bag comes from the meta.
    Jinksie likes this.
  11. Jinksie Well-Known Member

    Thanks (as always) Taled!
    Taled likes this.
  12. Beee Well-Known Member

    The dicovery of the reward of the meta expansion was one of my most disappointing things in my EQ2 game.
    Observing, Jinksie and Denebi like this.
  13. tonyashy New Member

    I have to agree with beee this meta reward collection is not worth the time or effort in trying to get. Although the h3 version where you havent to kill any adds ,which only a few groups on the sever will ever do reward would be nice even if it was a less potent version of it.But clearly the devs where too busy working on the expac to care about this reward
    Jinksie likes this.
  14. Denebi Member

    yes, a progression of ebb and flow from the achievement of the different heroic zones of unrest would be a good way to please everyone.
    but they didn't
    Better still, the reward was ebb and flow was missing because those who had made the necessary achievements didn't get them at the time, depriving them of that special taste of victory that gives us pleasure in the game.
    but you'll have to forgive them, they're not playing their game, they can't know.

    Translated with DeepL
  15. Dahakon Member

    Illusions were updated, they can be cast anywere now, both turn u into there respective illusion, but the txt on the gooey Gobdrop is wrong and should state it turns u into a Gooey Gobdrop instead of the same txt as the meta one a festering bag
    Beee likes this.