
Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-R.Saldana, Dec 12, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-R.Saldana Guest

    Please consider unadorning.

    Either through the usage of unadorn items , or simply right click unadorning.

    Thank you in advance for considering this.


    Edit : to be absolutely clear on what i mean.. clean your item to it's original state , by un adorning. resulting in only having the original item so it is useable by 2 slots again if it was in the first place. i do NOT mean recuperating the old adornment.
  2. ARCHIVED-Emlar_from_Halas Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

  4. ARCHIVED-Crismorn Guest

    You can adorn on top of another adornment, if thats what you wanted.

    If you wanted to be able to take your adornment out to use it again, then no thats a terrible idea
  5. ARCHIVED-Dimhammer Guest

    Why is that a terrible idea? When you pay 30 plat or more for just 1 adornment I think you should be able to reuse it. It is just too expensive otherwise.
  6. ARCHIVED-Geothe Guest

    No, you shouldn't be able to reuse adornments.
    Just like you cant reuse armor once it has been attuned to a character.
    However, one change with adorns that i'd like to see is that for certain items that can go in more than one slot (ie both ear and finger) either A) be allowed to adorn it twice, once with ear adorn and second with a finger adorn, and the bonus used would depend on which slot the item is in, or B) still only have 1 adorn, but dont have that adornment lock it to a certain slot. make the bonus not-active if equiped in the other slot if needs be, but still allow the item to be geared in both slots on your character.
  7. ARCHIVED-shaunfletcher Guest

    Dimhammer wrote:
    Can you untrain masters and use them for another character or something? No. Same deal here.
  8. ARCHIVED-Landiin Guest

    I think all adornments should be no camp, that way I can sell more!
  9. ARCHIVED-Crismorn Guest

    Dimhammer wrote:
    Because its a consumable that will hopefully help to spread platinum around next xpac.
  10. ARCHIVED-Sedenten Guest

    If they did implement a way to do this, the only way I'd agree it should be done is by making tradeskillable and consumeable items that remove the adornment safely to be reused (i.e. like solvents in EQ1). They of course wouldn't be as expensive as buying a new adornment, but scale enough by tier to keep it a moneysink. It also shouldn't be restricted to just one tradeskiller, but relevant to each type (i.e. armorer's could make solvents to safely remove adornments from armor, weaponsmiths for weapons, jewelers for jewelry, etc.).
  11. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    It's not a moneysink unless it goes to an NPC. Anything else is just wealth re-distribution.
    I support the idea of destructively removing an adornment. That would be great.
    I do not support the idea of re-using adornments.
  12. ARCHIVED-Brook Guest

    R.Saldana wrote:
    No...bad idea.
  13. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Dimhammer wrote:
  14. ARCHIVED-Saihung23 Guest

    Toran@Oasis wrote:

    Are you saying that if someone uses an adornment they are then forced into playing forever and ever never being able to camp?
    Thats just cruel.
  15. ARCHIVED-Qandor Guest

    R.Saldana wrote:
    Terrible idea. What you will have is any adornment made being in the pipeline forever. I can just see thousands of T8 adornments flooding the broker come the expansion if this were implimented. Might as well ask for un-attune while you are at it. Attuning was originally developed to stop gear being passed down forever. Adornments as well as items need to leave the system once they are used.
  16. ARCHIVED-Jgok Guest

    Banditman wrote:
    Meh, we can already destructively remove adornments, just by putting another adornment in its place.
    It IS a moneysink, though. The creation of any tradeskilled item requires at least one NPC-purchased component. It could be MORE of a moneysink if you had to purchase adornments from an NPC, but think how much crafter hate would coe from proposing THAT...
    Qandor wrote:
    Exactly. Qandor is completely right.
    Adornments are one-shot deals. They are designed and balanced around being a one-time-use item. If you ould remove and re-sell them, they would most likely be FAR more expensive to make than they are now, requiring more raw materials and perhap even more vendor-purchased components (game balance, y'know... permanent tradeable items should be more expensive to make).
    Even if they remained the same "creation cost" that they are now, the system would still break down. After a period of time, people wouldn't be able to sell them at any profit, because there would be so many of them flooding the broker. It's the whole "NO-TRADE/ATTUNEABLE" argument all over again. The health of the game demands that they be one-shot items, just like almost every piece of gear out there.
    Imagine how difficult it would be for a crafter to make and sell a level 72 Mastercrafted weapon (or piece of armour/jewelery/whatever) if everyone could just unattune their old stuff and resell it. The market would be flooded with 72 MC gear, and crafters would not be able to make any profit off their vocation. Crafters making no profit leads to crafters not progressing (fuel is expensive, y'know), which leads to nobody making level 82 MC stuff when it comes out.
  17. ARCHIVED-Artalis the Elder Guest

    I have a ring/ear slot item. Jewel of Many Colors ( http://lootdb.com/eq2/item/-1337398515 ) If I adorned it with say 100hp ring adorn I can then only equip it in my ring slot. If I need that ring slot for something else like my Ring of Repulsion ( http://lootdb.com/eq2/item/-242320298 ) which is only useful when tanking then I have to put an earring adornment on it. So what some of you people are saying is that I should have to carry around two stacks of adornments to utilize the item as it's meant to be used? Right click> Destroy Adornment pls. OR just create an item for Transmuters to make that will remove an adornment from an item. Adornments should not be reusable, but neither should I have to continually re-adorn an item to utilize it in a different slot. Thanks.
  18. ARCHIVED-R.Saldana Guest

    I meant un-adorn as in wipe it . Make the item useable by 2 slots again , if it's a 2 slot item.
    Not recuperate the old adornment..
    I should have said so from the start.
    Having this done by either right clicking , or making a "cleaner" adornment , that would create some extra commerce.

    Sorry for the misunderstanding , but i thought i was clear on what i meant.
  19. ARCHIVED-R.Saldana Guest

    Where did I ever mention recuperating the old adornment anyway , somone along the thread assumed so , and suddenly it was troll central. C'mon ppl ..
  20. ARCHIVED-Stalack Guest

    Yes please let us take the old adornment off and have it go away. No do not make it so you can get the adornment back.