(Un)Holy Crap!

Discussion in 'Shadowknight' started by ARCHIVED-Aiyrn, Mar 16, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Aiyrn Guest

    As some of you know, im pretty knew to the whole dark side of things, made my first sk a couple of days ago.

    Thanks to alot of these posts and whatnot, i was able to figure out what stats i wanted to go for, and what kind of build i wanted overall.

    I must say, im VERY impressed with the class, 100% happy with it. Which is great, because up until now, ive been trying every single class there is, getting really frustrated because it didnt seem like there was a class for me, and was getting ready to quit =/

    Just wanted to say thanks for everyones help, whether you replied to some of my questions directly, or talked in another post and helped someone else, cause i probably read that too =D

    p.s. (it was mostly the pictures of everyones SK that made me want to make one, gawd we are so secksi!)
  2. ARCHIVED-Diernes Guest

    I think with the Shadowknight class, some people are just born to play one, its definately a class that isnt for everyone, but in my case its the only reason I play EQ2, I just love the concept of the class and it fits my play style perfectly.
  3. ARCHIVED-Zikkar Guest

    Welcome to the Darkside please enjoy your stay!
  4. ARCHIVED-Smithers770 Guest

    Yes, the SK is definately my style of play. And I do love the concept behind him. I love that I have so many little tricks that I can use to adapt to each encounter when needed. The Dark Side is definately strong in this class! (sorry couldn't resist! :p).

  5. ARCHIVED-krazykajun Guest

    Yeah, I have to agree with the above poster too about playing this game to play an SK....I love PvP too and this is a great class for that. I was disappointed with WoW when I found out they didn't have SKs and thought they should add the class in their expansion. :)