um... stupid tree question

Discussion in 'Warden' started by ARCHIVED-nierika, Mar 4, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-nierika Guest

    I realise this has probably been asked a long, long time ago but I can't seem to find it in the backlog.

    does Protection of the Grove work in group only, or across raids? I've tried putting it up but there's so many other things going on I've never been able to definitively tell whether it ticks or not.

    don't hurt me :) thanks
  2. ARCHIVED-MaldekTM Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-Supple Guest

    This confusion has existed for a while. It only works in groups and has always been that way. I personally tested it long ago. The confusion is there because the icon has a blueish-purpleish background, leading you possibly to believe it's AoE. The description has always read Grouop-Only.
  4. ARCHIVED-nierika Guest

    actually the description reads "nearby allies" which is rather inconclusive in my mind, and examining the tree doesn't tell me much either. thank you for giving me a definitive answer, it's much appreciated :)