UAG2N: The Methods of Making Money (pg 4,532,871)

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-Rics Dalbo, Nov 14, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Rics Dalbo Guest

    The Ultimate Adventurer’s Guide to Norrath has this to say about making money:
    The most common—and, in fact, highly inaccurate—solution to poverty in Norrath revolves around fellow adventurers crafting and selling goods, seeking out treasure, claiming loot from beasts and lesser races (which according to certain cultures is anyone that is not them (See High Elf), or hiring out yourself as a guard, escort, and, in some cases, an overly personal companion (See Brothels of Norrath) for dismal amounts of coin. This is all well and good, but there are other methods that require a lot less physical and mental exertion.
    While The Ultimate Adventurer’s Guide to Norrath does not dispute these methods of obtaining funds, it also examines alternative methods of adding to an adventurer’s coin purse. According to the UAG2N there are unlimited methods of possessing coin. Here are a few alternative tips for increasing one’s wealth and overcoming poverty.
    Make friends with a tribe/village of lesser humanoid beings. While lesser humanoid beings lack the intelligence to blow their nose with a napkin, they do, however, have a natural infatuation with shiny objects. The only problem being that they do not have the ability to distinct one shiny object from another. The trick here is to woo the lesser humanoid being with a simple shiny object (such as metal and in some cases properly prepared leaves). They will become enamored by the gleam and automatically label you as ‘friend’ (in some cases they have been known to eat you). This will put the adventurer in a position of relative respect and authority (or death) among the lesser humanoid beings. Being smart enough to know where to find such common shiny objects (the discard barrel of any smithy) the adventurer can obtain a rather enormous amount, thus, if he adopts the shiny objects as a form of currency, can become the wealthiest person among the tribe/camp/village of lesser beings. Although owning a large sack of useless metal will grant you nothing but curious looks in the civilized cities of Norrath, it will put you at the top of the social ladder among lesser humanoid being, thus making the adventurer at least rich in confidence and ego.
    It is widely suspected that this was the exact way humans conquered the Ratonga village; using bags of wet leaves instead of discarded metal. The Ratonga were very happy with their newfound shiny objects until a disgruntled drunk spilled ale on his food. Strangely enough his now wet meal of leaves look a lot like the shiny object he used to purchase it. Soon after, the Ratonga adopted circular pieces of cheese as the form of currency. Suffice to say the liberator of the Ratonga city was also the town drunk, and was thrust atop the social ladder only to be hung from the rafters for trying to pass a gold coin off as a circular piece of cheese. Weeks later the Ratonga suffered an economical crash when it was discovered that cheese tasted good.

    There an entry in The Ultimate Adventurer’s Guide to Norrath that relates to an alternative method procuring coin. It says:
    “The art of telling lies is a common practice in Freeport, and truth is a rarity indeed,” said one Bakin Bogglebee of the Freeport Scholars. It was on that statement that Bakin built the foundation of tremendous wealth. Being a scholar he knew that the economy was based on supply and demand. And living in Freeport he knew there was certainly no supply of truth. After further research and questionnaires he discovered that the people of Freeport actually longed for something true, and thus, the demand was there. And so he stood at the statue of Lucin selling truth. The truth usually went something like this: “You’re ugly” or “You’re a mean evil good-for-nothing criminal” or “There’s not a thing in your life that you’ve actually paid for” (as it was also a fact the people of Freeport lacked the common morals that one would associate with a good person). Business grew so rapidly that Bakin had to take on apprentices to keep up. Business continued to grow until a swashbuckler from Qeynos ended up convincing a group of Ogres that they were actually a beautiful and lovely race (See Braydon Steptoe). Bakin was then hung from the South Gate by an angry mob who protested that the truths he sold were actually lies. His apprentices fled in fear of their lives and later became what we know now as bards (See Bard's Tales: Truths or Lies?).

    There is one last entry in The Ultimate Adventurer’s Guide to Norrath that may be of interest to those wanting to obtain coin. It simply says: "Win an Ogre snot-bubble blowing contest".
    (Entry Updated 11-21-04 by Rics)

    A very recent update in The Ultimate Adventurer's Guide to Norrath says :
    It is quite possible to earn a lot of coin if you simply beg for it. Recent proof shows that people will pay ridiculous amounts of money just to shut you up. (WARNING! Side effects may include: social alianation, rude gestures, attempted murder and/or death, and pies in the face. Attempt at your own risk)

    Great info every adventurer needs!UAG2N: The Methods of Making Money (pg 4,532,871)
    UAG2N: Aggressive Fish of Norrath (pg 128,477)
    UAG2N: Time and Suspended Animation (pg 32) **ooc: lag**
    Message Edited by Rics Dalbo on 11-23-200412:42 AM
    Message Edited by Rics Dalbo on 11-23-2004 12:43 AM
  2. ARCHIVED-Rics Dalbo Guest