Two many guilds for one person

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Hartsmith, Jan 24, 2022.

  1. Aislynn Member

    Per your definition: My guild has four different accounts. One of these accounts has a character with a 0% broker fee, that is my merchant. And, I have my own guild hall, which can be paid up for the next 820 weeks, without having to dip into my savings or even touch my primary character's status. That sounds pretty "powerful" to me.

    The current common goal is to get each crafting class to max level, and make sure each of them has a pack pony as well as other necessary quests completed. A more "heroic" task is that I'd like my main character to get full grandmaster spells, and for her to get the highest level gear possible from heroic grouping for this expansion.

    Just because I'm doing this on my own doesn't make it less important to me. I'm sorry you can't respect my playstyle, but frankly, I don't give a dead gnoll's butt.
    Toven, Hartsmith, Twyla and 2 others like this.
  2. Celestia Well-Known Member

    Basically. Or what's that term? Oh yes.

    "You don't pay my sub/subs
    Toven, Breanna, Twyla and 1 other person like this.
  3. Nutari Member

    Yeah and you dont play this game so why take care of this ?
    It doesnt belong to you and have no affect to you or others.
    As wrote before and mentioned from others, this game has such a low population that there is no reason
    to block guilds less player and who are you to say a guild with 1 player is no guild ?
    A guild is a name, an option to have housing in bigger parts and other things

    So why some care about others who have no affect to them self.
    This game is loosing players every year so take care about the survivors of the game and dont throw them stones infront
    of their feets.
    Toven, Breanna, Twyla and 1 other person like this.