Trying to open my store and getting a message that says....

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-graysmith, Feb 17, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-graysmith Guest

    "you need to drop a container or vender first to create a valid lot." I tried everything I can think of and it won't let me put any of my stuff up for sale. I have been away from the game for about a year so I am a noob with the new selling sytem and I can't figure it out.
  2. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    there is a small square with six squares in it, looking pretty much like an inventory or bank. Put a cointainer there (Backpack, strongbox or salesman crate) and et voila! You cna now sell stuff. The amont of boxes you can have there depends on your appartment.
  3. ARCHIVED--AtPlay- Guest

    Basically, you cant sell out of your inventory anymore. Each apartment/house as a set number of vendor slots. When you put a board in your house, you will see some squares that you drop boxes or bags into. Then you can list those items. Not a good change if you ask me, but I guess now there is a reason to buy more expensive housing.
  4. ARCHIVED-mdell Guest

    [p] [/p][p]You can put a bag, box, or salesmans crate in the slots at the broker in the tradeskill instances and never go to your house.[/p][p]to sell from the house now you have to have a salesman's crate, scroll stand and a couple others i can't remember. these[/p][p]require a rare wood harvest, and a carpenter to make them. If you sell from the house people can come in and not pay the [/p][p]broker fee so its worth it to get them for expensive items. When you put the crates in the broker slots you then place them[/p][p]in your house, and your house vault is now open for a bunch of crap that you will never use (or at least that's what i put in[/p][p]mine). Just remember to pay your upkeep on the house or peeps will have to pay the broker fee again.[/p][p] [/p][p]oh to sell from house you still have to put the crate's and things in the slots at the broker.[/p]