Troubador or Dirge?

Discussion in 'General Scout Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-VastoLorde, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-VastoLorde Guest

    I want to play one of these classes and would like to know what are the key pros and cons of each class and which one is the better over all class to play?
  2. ARCHIVED-Ajjantis Guest

    Vastolorde@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Well both are considered support class and usually there is never enough bards. The core difference of the dirge and the troub class is easy. All classes benefit from either bard but when you take a closer look at the spells and AAs you will see that dirges are better for melee classes and troubadors are better for casters.
    Dirges core abilitys: stone-skin proc, hategain+aggro mod, grp buff with procs on melees, temporary extra dmg on melee attacks, grp dps buff. You'll notice very quick that most stuff is good for either melees or tanks. Thats why a dirge is almost a MUST for every maintank grp. BTW one of their end AA abilities is a flurry proc with melee/ranged double attack.
    Troubador core abilities: useless grp stone-skin proc on spells, group-deaggro, grp buff with procs onj spells, temporary extra dmg on spell attacks, grp casting skill buff. And here you should notice that most stuff is better for casters. BTW the aa end ability is a powerfull castingspeed buff. I might also add that troubadors are nice to play arround with because they have a nice mez aswell as a charm while the dirge only gets a crappy fear ;-)
    USUALLY a raid has two troubs two dirges but every guild might handle their raid setup different. DPS wise both bards are on par while dirges usually parse a bit higher with their powerfull epic effect. I hope i could help out.
  3. ARCHIVED-Kulaf Guest

    Well I agree for the most part with the above.....I would be remiss if I did not mention what while the Dirges do get a fear and Troubs get charm and mez, the Dirges also get an in combat rez which is awesome.
  4. ARCHIVED-Antipaladin Guest

    May want to add that one of the core abilities for troub are deaggro for any non-fighters in group, while dirges get a hate boost for single target. Splitting dirges and troubs into melee and caster is far too generalized.
  5. ARCHIVED-thecynic315 Guest

    Dirge = November Rain, Tears in Heaven, DPS buff, stoneskin buff, short duration haste/melee proc buff, in combat rezing, single target Hate, life taps, health transfer, mit debuff, attack speed debuff. Has a Cooler looking Class hat. Get a version of IA through AA. Proc increase buff

    Troub = Happy Happy Joy Joy, Walk of Life, Haste buff, short duration spell proc/int increase, power taps/drains, charm/mez, group deagro, resist buffs for all but Nox, wis debuff with damage. Has a myth weapon that looks like a cross between an Axe and a Guitar. Get a version of TC though AA. Spell range increase buff.

    BOTH = power regen, stat buff, magic resist debuff, str/agi debuff, AAs for crit increase, crit bonus increase, double attack, mint increase for the grp added to a buff(700ish @ lvl 80), AoE block for grp and single, Melee attack that will increase all combat skills for a short time when it lands.

    Roughly, your milage may vary, objects in rearview mirror are closer then they appear

    Bards DONT GET = Stances, use of poisions, respect as a scout class, the ability to call down an orbital strike that does 5mil AE DPS.

    Like other scouts = Have at least 1 backstab, stealth attack, bow attack, quick reuse melee attack, snare that also debuffs mob VS class damage type, require the SAME gear/weapons (exceptions being Class gear such as raid patterns and Epic weapons).

    Not to help you out try this easy command in EQ2 /random 2, 0 = dirge, 1 = Troub.
  6. ARCHIVED-eqaddictedfool Guest

    Androw@Najena wrote:
    i could be wrong but i thought i heard bards were getting poisons sometime soon? Btw orbital bombardment is the spell you are looking for lvl 80 4th TSO line.
  7. ARCHIVED-thecynic315 Guest

    Tisera@Unrest wrote:
    that OB thing must be Troub only I guess....anyway we can not use poisions at all, period, EOL. We DO have a AA that gives us a proc that deals poision damage. We can use the temp potions that provide a proc that were introduced the same GU as the proc nerf.

    There is no word on us getting the ability to use poisions at any time.

    Now I gotta remember to look into that OB thing when I get online tonight.......
  8. ARCHIVED-Blackluck2 Guest

    The differences between the classes are outlined pretty well above.
    However, on LDL -- and I imagine this is consistant across all servers - there are FAR more dirges than troubs. The benefit here is that it's cheaper to buy your masters, and possibly easier to find PuGs.
    (In the interest of full disclosure my co-main is a dirge. Love the class :) )
  9. ARCHIVED-eqaddictedfool Guest

    Androw@Najena wrote:
    yea i know we dont have it but i could swear i read somewhere we were getting poisons. Maybe it was rumor i dunno.