Tradeskill Tutorial Needs Fixed

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by ZUES, Nov 30, 2023.

  1. ZUES Well-Known Member

    Hi. I decided to roll a new class for this xpac. I started the tradeskill tutorial called Learning to Harvest from within Qeynos. For the life of me I cant find T1 resources to harvest. This has now turned into over 1 hour. Can you please unlock whatever Antonica, Commonlands and Frostfang Sea have and put it on this quest instead? New players have to be frustrated about this one. Thank you.

    This quest was probably default when Baubbleshire and those other starting areas were here. They're all gone now. I am shocked that after all this time this quest still calls for those T1 resources. It doesn't matter. The quest needs to change to the fastest and most obvious route new players will take to obtain these resources. For me that was Antonica.
  2. ZUES Well-Known Member

    Update: I'm doing Message in a Bottle quest. Some of those resources appear to be in this instance. Any way to merge the two quests?
  3. Rattophaxe Well-Known Member

    They don't need merging. You just have to go to one of the starter areas. The Nursery in Greater Faydark is my favourite, and really easy to get to if you are good-aligned.
  4. Pixistik Don't like it? You're not alone!

    Open map and quick travel if you have it, go to the "Isle of refuge" and it has everything you could want. Or if you dont have free travel, go to the travel bell on the dock in Antonica and select "Isle of refuge".
  5. Melkior Well-Known Member

    If you go to the wrong zone, and you won't find the right resources. Antonica and Commonlands are T2, not T1. The Starter area in Frostfang Sea where a new character first appears has T1 resources as well. Closer to New Halas it becomes T2. Baubleshire NEVER had harvests, it was a city zone. The little city adjacent zones such as Peat Bog, Oakmyst Forest, or Forest Ruins have the tier 1 resources. There are areas near Freeport, GF, or Gorowyn as well.
    Lateana and Tkia like this.
  6. ZUES Well-Known Member

    So let me get this straight... you guys want BRAND NEW players to go on a worldwide expedition just to complete, not just a level 1 quest, but a level 1 tradeskill quest?!!!!

    They just want to craft. Why isn't the quest update(s) right there at their feet?!

    Excellent feedback guys. Outstanding. Oh and Frostfang didn't update the quest. That was the first place I went after Antonica. So I resorted to the guild harvest depot. No updates. I deleted the quest. I never needed it to begin with. I was just trying to use what the devs put in my path.

    My request and suggestion remain. Devs please look into this. Thank you.
  7. Melkior Well-Known Member

    You of course are wrong here. There are Tier 1 nodes AND Tier 2 nodes in Frostfang. My best guess here is that you were harvesting in the Tier 2 area, not the Tier 1. If you were actually harvesting Tier 1 harvests and not getting an update, then yes, that is a bug that certainly should be fixed But most likely you took the bell to Frostfang, hit the first couple nodes, didn't get updates and said WTH, these don't work. But the nodes all close to the bell are T2 and not T1.

    Changing the quest to bypass Tier 1 harvesting makes little sense though. It would be like sending out Level 2 adventures to Commonlands to kill Tier 2 mobs. I get it. It's a big world, and knowing where to go for each quest can be daunting. But there are resources to help with that. General chat, Wikia, guildmates. But why you would expect to get T1 harvests in a T2 zone (Antonica or CL) I still don't understand.
    Tkia and Lateana like this.
  8. Tkia Well-Known Member

    They are. Every city zone that offers the quest has an adjacent T1 area that has the nodes. If the devs drop the nodes at the feet of the questgiver it would hardly foster the right incentive to explore that the game is based upon, would it?
  9. Evilary Well-Known Member

    Brand new player starts in an area where their are tier 1 harvests. If you start on Isle of Refuge, it has them. You start in New Halas, it has them. You start any of them, the harvests are pretty much right at your feet as you run around the area. The only issue I see is the quests are usually in the main city instead of the starter zones where you are already tripping over the harvests. If a person cannot walk/run/ride back to where they started, maybe crafting isn't something they are going to be into. You will do a lot of running around gathering in multiple zones before it is all over.
  10. Denmum Developer

    If you're in Qeynos or Freeport doing this quest, you need to bell to any of the side zones that are attached to the in-city travel bell ... the Graveyard, Sunken City, the Peat Bog, Oakmyst Forest, etc. Those zones still exist, they are used by players, and they have the harvestables that you need. They also have the starting harvesting quest NPCs right in those zones.

    For places like Frostfang, the brand new player starts in an area where the right level harvests are right in front of their noses, and the quest-giver is there as well. Ditto for Greater Faydark having level 1-9 harvests right where the quest-giver is. They have to travel closer to town in order to find the level 10-19 nodes.

    Anyone who is brand new and decides to start in Qeynos or Freeport is already at a huge disadvantage, as they have missed ALL the intro quests for low level adventurers, and that is a separate problem from the crafting tutorial. They are not recommended starting zones on the map for new players for a reason. (It will try to start you in Halas or Kelthin, Gorowyn or Neriak, all of which have the intro quests right next in the proper part of the zone that has the harvests.)
    Lateana and Twyla like this.
  11. ZUES Well-Known Member

    You're brand new to EQ2. You start off on the island. One of two things happens. You either hit the level cap or you don't want to stay there any more and leave. You find yourself Qeynos. It doesn't matter how you got there. The option existed so you chose. You get the tradeskill quest. The "how" is completely irrelevant. It's there for you to get. It doesn't tell you where to go. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nadda. Zip. Go check for yourself. WHY? For a newb quest?!! Why are there no indicators, hover boxes, footprints, waypoints? Now they're forced to a trashy spam infested third party website to find the solution. Now you've put them at risk for a virus. You're making this more than it needs to be. The Message in a Bottle quest is perfect for accomplishing this and keeping them contained. I only mention that because I typically offer a solution with my feedback. At least I offered one.

    We need players at those quest NPC's in Qeynos. Same with Freeport. They have what the players need to begin their tradeskilling careers (on alts in my case). If you DONT want people there then take them out!!! It's a starter quest. Why is this so complicated? Keep it local. Keep it simple. Keep it easy. Get it closer and more obvious. Tell them where to go! I don't care if you want to send them to the bowels of Hell, but tell them that!

    And I haven't even mentioned returning players yet. We have careers, families, stuff. We can't remember everything about the game either. How about a little help and understanding?

    For everyone else.... tone it down. Chill out! Your replies are too much and too aggressive, and for no reason. Learn the words "I respectfully disagree". As a returning player I read a quest and couldn't find the resources. I didn't post for instruction, I posted to report it. Ask yourselves WHY did I have a hard time finding those resources. WHY did I feel compelled to just delete the quest instead of keep searching for it. It is the developers JOB to answer these questions. Literally, their JOB!
  12. axxis32 Member

    I am sorry, but you are incorrect. A devs job is not to answer questions, that is for the CSR (or equivalent). A dev is supposed to be developing, not spend valuable time on answering questions.

    Anyway, back to the issue at hand, starting areas, regardless where they are, have all those resource nodes you need. You can even travel back to the outpost/island and harvest there, or use the surround areas in Qeynos/Freeport. Major hint: Once you level 7-9 (or so) you can practically harvest in those zones unmolested.

    Did you not notice the harvest nodes in the starting area? If you did, and harvested them, then you have the name of the resources, the same names mentioned in the quest, or at the very least, those resources should state they are for lvl 1-9 (the ones you harvested)
    Lateana and Twyla like this.
  13. Melkior Well-Known Member

    I respectfully disagree.

    FWIW, I also disagree that the purpose of the quest has to be finishing it immediately. EQ2 is an immersive world. Nothing wrong with some quests that get people out to explore it. If you want fast, ask for help in chat! Most the time people are very helpful. Sorry you hate the wikia. Yes it has ads. Yes they can be annoying. It doesn't mean it's virus infested. I've used it for years and never had even a single virus I had to remove becuase of that site.

    You may also want to consider the tone of your posts. You come off as very combative, even when posting your idea for consideration. Perhaps that is what triggers the aggressive responses. Perhaps it was not intended, but the written word is funny that way. Just a thought.
    Xianthia, Lateana and Twyla like this.