ToV Halls: Sharpshots

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Azian, May 15, 2014.

  1. Azian Well-Known Member

    The Aerakyn Sharpshots in Halls of the Betrayer are quite annoying and frankly seem somewhat broken right now. This is particularly true if you are a tank. The mechanic of the sharpshots automatically targeting a fighter even when it's another groupmate that gets their attention can be very frustrating. This is particularly irritating when the fighter isn't even in the same room as the sharpshot but takes the hit because a groupmate arrived in the mobs vicinity.

    In a run last night, I literally had just taken off from the zone in location when I saw the message that I had drawn the attention of a sharpshot and was placed into combat falling down onto the entry steps area. Because I'm now in combat I also can't fly and basically nothing more can happen until you find it and kill it, evac, die, zone out, or somehow break the encounter. The sharpshot was coming from a different room where some of my group had arrived.

    The other problem with the sharpshots is that they often don't leave their pedestal and stay rooted in place. Depending upon where they are located in the room this can make it a nuisance to get to them and kill them.

    I've seen and experienced both of these issues on multiple occasions.

    So, to sum up it would be great to see a fix to their script to actually come and engage reliably and also to not let them take a Rangeresque "miracle shot" at someone not even in the same room with them. Please and thank you!
    Feldon and SideshowBob like this.
  2. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    Alternatively buff Ranger's miracle shot so it can be used on targets up to 500 meters away that are blocked by 4 walls and a ceiling.
    Spira, Anghammarad, Errrorr and 3 others like this.
  3. Snapshot Active Member

    I approve
    Errrorr and Feldon like this.
  4. Gninja Developer

    We will take a look and try to get them a bit less annoying
    Gash likes this.
  5. Estred Well-Known Member

    That sounds like an amazing April Fools joke for next year...
  6. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Do you remember when Miracle Shot was actually pretty miraculous and didn't require line-of-sight? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
  7. Flatline Well-Known Member

    Amazing thanks, been bug reporting this several times now .. apaprently bug report isnt what its cracked up to be.
  8. Sudedor Well-Known Member

    I remember using Miracle Shot to pull raid mobs in Gates of Ahket Aken. It was a pretty cool ability.
  9. FlyerMirth New Member

    I have always had problems in general with flying Mobs, especially when it comes to pets or mercs. They don't come all the way down and are often out of melee range.

    The only way I have found to get around this is back off the pets and mercs and keep moving around until you find the magic spot that the mob will drop to ground level at, then you can send the pets and mercs back in. This gets tedious because it clears the pets assist / defend status when you back it off, same for the mercs as well.
  10. Crychtonn Active Member

    Remember the good old days of /target "insert named mob" + Miracle Shot through the wall :)

    Used to be such a fun CA before it was turned into bleh :(
  11. Naudi Active Member

    Not sure if I'm feeling nostalgic now or just old! haha
  12. xkrisx Well-Known Member

    This is how Protectors Realm was cleared when it first luanched haha.
  13. Regolas Well-Known Member

    My recommendation would be the first person to enter the area gets the aggro, and they're not rooted.

    Would stop annoying dps people charging on ahead and bringing the tank crashing down to a fall death on the other side of the zone.
    Azian likes this.
  14. Azian Well-Known Member

    I agree. I'm a bit surprised it isn't like this already.

    Edit to add a thank you to Gninja for replying and indicating it would be looked at.
  15. Gninja Developer

    The sharpshots in both the heroic and raid should no longer be rooted and should shoot at the person that triggers them. They should also no longer hit people and not lock encounter to them.
    jordash, Gash, Regolas and 1 other person like this.