Toryi's Fiery Retreat - newly published! Majdul

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Toryi, May 17, 2020.

  1. Toryi Member

    Everyone is invited to come and tour (and hopefully vote!) Toryi's Fiery Retreat on Maj'Dul. Under Massive Homes. There is a guide book at the bottom of the stairs - be sure to read :) Also, don't leave without visiting the Hookah Hideaway.
    Thank you all so much!
    Worth the visit!!
    ~Toryi Tinkertwist
    ~~Prophets of the Fallen Shinies
    elflover, Rosyposy, Afista and 3 others like this.
  2. Afista Well-Known Member

    Just visited :D The garden out back was lovely and the hideaway was super cute. I wouldn't have thought about tucking it away up there, but it was a perfect idea and the view was great. Nice work!
  3. Toryi Member

    Afista - thank you so much for taking the time to visit!! I appreciate your comments :) I found that secret spot by happy accident and then couldn't stop decorating once I figured out how to get up there! Thanks again!!
  4. Spextasy Well-Known Member

    Stopped by tonight and really enjoyed my visit. I agree with Afista, the garden area is really lovely and I adore the Hookah Hideway! Well done.

  5. Toryi Member

    Thank you SO much! I am just so excited to see your post and video of my home <3 I logged in last night to see that I have received the Hall of Fame award - so that was super fun! This is my first published home. Thank you very much for taking the time you did - and for your words and video!
  6. Spextasy Well-Known Member

    You are very welcome. It was my absolute pleasure. :)