Too Late to Start on Varsoon?

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Bearshido, Oct 9, 2022.

  1. Bearshido New Member

    Real talk..... I didn't know this server had launched until a few days ago. I am a moderate gamer these days. Not a hardcore and definitely not a casual. Do you think I can level alone and catch the pack with the application of effort? I only played through KOS and I miss so many things about this game.
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  2. Flightrisk Well-Known Member

    Why level alone? unless that's the play style you prefer, still plenty of folks leveling alts, and new discoverers like yourself too. Join a guild have some fun. It's not at all like live, pick a guild and ask, it won't be difficult. ;)
    in my opinion it's not anywhere close to 'too late' to hop into Varsoon and have some fun.
    Welcome to Varsoon server!! (hopefully :))
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  3. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Unless your goal was to server first stuff in Desert of Flames, then no you are not too late.

    Find a guild that has similar interest/playtimes as you. You never know they may have alts leveling up as well. No reason to level alone unless that's just your thing.
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  4. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    definitely not too late, you have at least a month to get up, before the slightly more exciting expac comes. lol most of us are bored to tears of dof already, with reason.
  5. Bearshido New Member

    Thank you. I have renewed my subscription and started out leveling. I am glad to see so many people stills working through the lower levels with alts. I look forward to seeing you all out there in the world. Good hunting everyone!
  6. Algendorf New Member


    Same question for me....

    What is your opinion Bearshido at this end of october ?

    Does it worth it ?

    I would make a necromancer....

    Thx !
  7. Nilyana Active Member

    Not the OP, but we still get new people in our guild, and I still see lower level groups at times. It's not as active in the lower levels as it was at launch, but certainly you can still group and level, especially if you're in a good guild. I think we're also getting a huge bonus exp event... like, really soon... uh, morning of the 8th I think? So now would be a great time to get in and level up a character if you wanted to "catch up."