Too busy to loot bug?

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Hexalobular, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Hexalobular Well-Known Member

    Quite often at the end of a fight I find myself unable to loot the bodies, I just get a red "You are too busy to loot" message, is there any way to get the game to let me loot besides camping and reentering the game?
    Going off and killing something else doesn't work nor does harvesting (how come I can do that?)
  2. Luciar Active Member

    Just initiate camping (type /camp) then stand up. Your problem should be fixed without camping all the way out.
  3. Hexalobular Well-Known Member

    Thanks, that seems to have worked.
    (I replied hours ago, don't know how I messed up that reply.)
  4. ShalimarTroy Member

    In all my years of playing the game (started in 2004) I have never seen that bug. How interesting!
  5. Hexalobular Well-Known Member

    I was getting it when I was last on regularly, maybe a year ago.
    And I'm pretty sure that was on a different computer.
    I'm also getting a lot of dropped connections, where my character has more and more trouble interacting with the world and then pops out to the character screen.
  6. Aeras Active Member

    This happened to me today. I crashed and then came back in game. I then immediately killed an overland named in Tranquil Sea and got an exquisite chest. It kept giving me that message. I zoned using the dock bell to Phantom Sea and then back to Tranquil. It let me loot my chest after that,
  7. Heijo Member

    The last time it happened to me was because I still had a previous loot window open.
  8. Foretold Well-Known Member

    It happens to me after every crash. And I probably crash 4 or 5 times day. I can't interact with chests, broker... anything.

    /camp for the win. I pretty much now just camp to self right after every crash to avoid it.
  9. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    This issue occurs if you go linkdead, and come back into game before your toon fully logs out. The game subsequently thinks you are busy and unable to loot.

    It is fixed by either camping to yourself, or zoning.
  10. Aeras Active Member

    Question: Do you use the in-game browser? I was crashing a lot and I found out that it was related to the in-game browser being opened. It doesn't matter if you go to a site or not. As soon as it's clicked open, expect a crash within the next 5-10 minutes. If I'm not mistaken, it creates a memory leak when opened.
  11. Hexalobular Well-Known Member

    I don't use the in-game browser, I was looking for it but found out how to play in a window instead of fullscreen and since that was what I really wanted I stuck with that instead.