To the powers that be...

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Kasumi, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Kasumi Member

    Can we PLEASE have a lift on the housing cap? With the addition of so many houses, I HATE relinquishing homes! I know some may not understand and think that 20 homes is absurd or just plenty, but I am a prestige home collector and I like having *ALL*of my homes on one character. I do not want to start making alt characters to put new homes on. Please don't make it come to this! :(

    Today I had to relinquish my Vet house in order to be able to buy my ship house and I cringed doing it. If there is a new house released for frostfell, (I hope there is! Oh please release one :D) I am going to have to make an alt to purchase it and I don't want to do that at all.

    I'd be willing to pay for extra storage space for houses per character if that's an issue. Hell, I'd be willing to pay the price of a prestige home to unlock the ability to have unlimited houses on my character. It's just impossible with all the LoN homes, all the in-game homes and all the prestige homes to really limit it to 20 houses. I'm not trying to whine, if anything I'm complimenting and loving your homes so much I want the ability to have them all =D.

    Please please please listen and do something. Soon
    Tariya and Kurisutaru like this.
  2. Twinklin Member

    I too have the obsession of having all my homes on one character. Currently I have like 10 of the smaller homes in SQ dedicated to warehouses. I like this due to having all of one type of thing in each house. As I obtain more homes I have to consolidate my warehouses and it makes them harder to find stuff in. I have considered moving everything to a dungeon for a warehouse but having to run through a whole dungeon to get to the last room and the fact that they don't have a moving crate makes me sad.

    I know at some point I'm going to have to suck it up and decorate a home on an alt because I purchased a TT island and a Thurg house on alts and I'll have to use them at some point but being able to have my warehouses and the majority of homes on one character is really nice so for upping the max number of homes I "+1".
  3. Afista Well-Known Member

    I would love to see the cap increased too!

    I have decorated on alts, but still love to 'own them all' on my main. (If I did only decorate the main's house, she'd allready be over the 20 limit on completed projects. hehe)
  4. Maizing Member

    I have a different problem... I have an army of alts, and each has at least 2 houses. I want them all to have Trustee level access to all my houses. Having 20+ names on the list of 40+ houses just makes things too cluttered. I would love to get the new ship house, but unless/until they fix the house access list clutter, I am just going to have to forgo doing that.

    What I would like to see (in order of importance):
    1: All characters on an account have full Trustee level access without having to add them to the access list.
    2: The guild Hall portal to member housing does not list any of the houses for the alts unless I do add them to the list (or better yet, just a check button somewhere that adds that house to the guild hall portal to member housing for all alts).
    3: The ability to give all guild members visitor access to a house that is otherwise closed to the public.
    4: The ability to manage housing access from a tab on my character window (without having to visit each house individually).

    Just a few changes that would make my housing management incredibly easier.
  5. Tariya Active Member

    Dear SOE,

    please, please, please rise the limit of owning houses per char.
    Today I got the contract for the veteran castle. I was looking forward to this for a long time.
    But I'm not able to take it because I reached the limit of houses.
    I also cannot give up one of them because I love them all, my main char is a house collector and
    most of them are prestige houses, I bought them on marketplace.
    Some of them are in house voting and got trophies.

    All of my twinks own one or two personal houses but the main is my
    house imperator ;) , she wants to have all the interesting prestige homes and I always keep
    an eye to the news if there is a new house available.
    I wish I will be able to continue gathering houses in the future.

    So please SOE, lift the housing cap for your housing fans :) .
