[TLE] Will we ever have challenging raid content?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by dirgenoobforreal, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Ucala Well-Known Member

    it has nothing to do with knowing the strats. People knew the strats to Darathar in vanilla too before they even killed it. word spreads fast on strats, atleast in the upper circles.
    gear is the only factor really, and it's bad
  2. Icanfly New Member

    Sorry but no challenge = no money. What fun if u can kill all content with treasure gears and 55+ lvls for few days. Im very very dissapoint. Think this idea was good (TLE server) but realisation very bad.
  3. Peak Nagafun

    When your tank can take off all of his gear and the hits still do just about nothing, there's a problem.
  4. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    2 hours at most - 6 hours = 3 full scale raiding night ... it's not a casual
  5. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    Like freeing frog is a good thing??!?! We standed ground 3+ hours in EQ1 defending Grobb from hordes of frogs-inviders that been coming from Guk .. until GM show up and death touch us all for ruining story line for some goodies ...
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  6. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    I was in a guild that was scheduled to raid something like 6 hours in one night alone. 2 hours 3 times a week is pretty lightweight. Almost textbook definition of casual raid guild IMO.
  7. Calbiyum Active Member

    Much will change once we return to Cabilis
  8. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    6 hours per night? well that been way over hard core raiding ... Thou, I do remember raids like Ralos Zek in EQ1 ... yeah those sometime (specially first time) lasted way past 8 hours :)
  9. Ucala Well-Known Member

    2 hours a night for 3 nights isn't casual in your opinion? man you guys have some crazy standards, that's basically the length of 1 movie a night.

    But they already said they do 3 hours a night, 2 nights a week.

    it doesn't get much more casual than those times really. even a "weekend raiding guild" probably raids the same or more.
  10. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    What content would you do if you raided more hours per week? I can't think of any.
  11. Estred Well-Known Member

    To answer the Threads question. No. Raids didn't get "hard" beyond a very few (last boss) fights that were more than DPS-Checks until Rise of Kunark. Even in Kingdom of Sky scripts outside of a select few bosses were still very simple.

    In DoF you pretty much only have 3 Hard bosses.

    - Siyamak and Brahka

    - Djinn Master

    - Godking Anuk

    In KoS you have Halls of Seeing but if gear hasn't been redacted players will be too powerful and mow through Venekor. Same for Hall's of Fate. The only one that would promise challenge of any sort is Deathtoll.

    The Challenge to Gear curve starts getting mediated/mitigated in Rise of Kunark and completely evens out in The Shadow Odessey which was the beginning to true modern era Script-Raiding in my mind.

    I totally forgot about EoF >.> Emerald Halls should be fun.
  12. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    Well some people actually have RL and family and playing 1-2 hours per night and not every night they are pretty much considers as a casual. Way back in time I been in guilds that been ranked second on my server (in EQ2) and before that in 3rd-4th ranked guild on the Nameless in EQ1 (server where LoS was playing).. We been considered as pretty hard core raiding guild -but 2-3 raids per week at most plus yes occasional kill of contested mob. More over "casual" guild don't have raiding schedule and hardly raid at all
  13. Tarrin New Member

    Casual Elitism is the new red.
  14. Satyr Well-Known Member

    As a mage the optimal build in tier 5 was level 15 jewellery from fallen gate and RNG dropped treasured gear from lower level zones. Healer gear was largely irrelevant unless they wanted to improve their wand control with attack speed and dps mod bonuses. The only players in the last xpac that really needed to work on their gear were tanks and scouts.

    This xpac, we cleared up to pedestal pre-60 in our tier 5 gear, with some limited bonuses because useless fabled loot from the last tier got some ability mod. Mages and healers have numerous optimal slots that are treasured or quested and a raid guild with 6 hours weekly play time could quickly do a Gate clear to get their MT geared. Two of the best slots in the expansion are from a collection and a solo quest line.

    It's trivial content.
  15. Ucala Well-Known Member

    if you are a casual raid guild with no raid schedule, when do you raid? sounds very confusing to me.
    and tbh if you don't have time to play 1-2 hours twice a week, why are you even playing? what are you doing in the even less free time than that? it takes an hour to form/run a group zone on live
  16. Ranger209 New Member

    Pretty sure it is the same code here as there, so you should get relatively the same experience. I've heard more than enough times that, "can't make that change to the tle servers without affecting live". So if that is the case then you should be able to go through all of the content on live starting from scratch, expansion by expansion, and when you arrive at difficult encounters that is when I would guess you will see them here.
  17. Ucala Well-Known Member

    mostly the same, slightly different.
    you could actually go through the lives much faster due to stats on gear that don't exist on TLE (pot, cb, casting speed, etc)
  18. Vallaria Member

    This is one of the big reason why I find myself turning away from MMOs. It seems like more and more raiders are so bitter, angry, and aggressive and want 'casuals' and any non raiders out of the game, with content produced only for them and no one else.

    Whatever happened to just wanting to adventure? T explore a vast land and meet great people along the way. What happened to the RPG half f the MMO experience. Now all I see is anger and arguing.

    This is depressing. :(
    DoomDrake and Ceyllynn like this.
  19. Arandar Well-Known Member

    Keep in mind that "raiders" are not one homogeneous group, just as not all "casual" players are equally casual or interested in the same thing. What you're describing is a minority of the raiding community, and a very small subset of the overall playerbase. It's just that they also tend to be rather vocal.
  20. Ucala Well-Known Member

    you got to be kidding yourself, Eq2 is one of the most solo friendly games I have ever played.
    also raiders want Their content to be challenging, they aren't asking for just raid content, they also want the group zones to be more challenging (most of them/all of them you don't even need a tank to do the zone)
    DoomDrake likes this.