[TLE] Wards

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Lenarr, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. Lenarr Member

    From the update notes: "ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT
    Time-Locked Expansion Servers
    Corrected a bug where wards would not receive the inherent 1.3% crit multiplier."

    I'm assuming that's really 1.3x crit multiplier and not really 1.3%.
  2. Bosque Member

    read this and decided to log onto the one toon I have with playtime still on it.. anyway.. grp ward that says 3500 ward on it.. continuously did crit for less than 2500.. took all crit gear off and the ward did not crit but only warded for 2600 lol.. anyway was glad to know I made the right decision in leaving the game..
  3. Sprok Active Member

    Those are update notes for tomorrow or Thursday, whenever they push the hotfix.
  4. Bosque Member

    ya I saw that, but it appears they.. and ill just say they.. I can no longer call them devs.. anyway.. THEY are not aware that the wards do not even reach 100% without crit factor.. on a normal cast it only about 80% tops of what the spell is intended....
  5. Galdenya/Sigon Active Member

    That's normal, get more ability mod. All heals are at 70% effectiveness. So a crit will just be .7*1.3*tooltip
  6. Bosque Member

    well that was not the case on my channeler.. in pve of pvp.. but either way no way in hell crit should be less then non crit.. its still better than what it was when I played.. which was Zero wards lol.. doesn't really matter game is absolutely dead from what I saw in bout 1 hour span.. which should have been peak America play time...
  7. Pett Active Member

    What Galdenya said. Been discussed for almost 2 months now on TLE.

    Didn't you get the memo? Riiight, I'll make sure you get another one, mkay. Great.
  8. Bosque Member

    why do femme guys always use 3 vowels in words?
  9. Galdenya/Sigon Active Member

    K but Channeler isn't on TLE sooooo that's irrelevant.
  10. Bosque Member

    either way... crit should be more than normal cast unless they used less than a whole number in the code...you didn't have to type the extra Os we already know you're femee
  11. Galdenya/Sigon Active Member

    Juuust sooo yooou caaan uuunderstaaaand aaa biiit eeeasieeer, yooour criiits aaare abooout 0.91 tiiimes theee tooooltiiip roooll.
    Eradani likes this.
  12. Bosque Member

    HEEEEEY they fixed wards all good .. excuse the rants )
  13. Satyr Well-Known Member

    % based heals don't crit.
  14. Arandar Well-Known Member

    And Demonstration of Faith wards for a specific value, it's not a percentage based heal.
  15. Galdenya/Sigon Active Member

    I don't have a pally, or even at home to ask for details. But according to ZAM the master states it wards for each individual type of damage rather than saying all damage even though it's every type of damage so essentially it should be all damage. Kind of wondering if these are changes from later expansions I never played in that would cause it to not work like a normal ward and thus not crit. Idk, my freakin manastone can crit so I figured basically anything should crit at this point -.-
  16. Wesst Member

    still seems broken group ward reads 4659 Master 1 level 56 if it crits it wards for 4200~ if it doesnt crit it wards for 3200 .............
  17. Sprok Active Member

    It's not broken... there was a healing nerf added to TLE for KoS to increase content difficulty. This has been stated by devs and players multiple times and yet people continue to post thinking values are broken.

    Yes, wards weren't critting because of a bug, no, it's not a bug that you are warding for less than your tooltips say you should be.
  18. Wesst Member

    tool tip should clearly state that "nerf" in healing
  19. Galdenya/Sigon Active Member

    Except that it is a heals received nerf, not a heal nerf. The heals themselves go into the equation at their full value but then come out at 70% effectiveness. It's super nit picky and that's why the tooltip reads the full values but you only seem to see 70% of it.

    Even with crits ALL heals are less than the tooltip because 70% of 130% only comes out to 91%. This is as good as you can make it and why potency will be a big deal for all healers.

    Oh look, the full options edit works, not the quick edit.
  20. Galdenya/Sigon Active Member

    Swear the edit function is just broke for FireFox, double posting to add some more because edit is dumb.

    I have almost zero data backing up that 70% but now that it's become such a big deal I'll so some math tonight to see what the actual heals received effectivness is at.