TLE server, market place items and xp potions...

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Taemek, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. Dread1313 Active Member

    So its all about being on top o the hill huh? Bragging rights. Got it.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    I'm pretty sure most people here have earned level 50, many times over. Been there, done that.

    The votes pretty much spoke for themselves btw, guess what, you're in the minority.
    Ahlana likes this.
  2. Dread1313 Active Member

    Yeah this. I mean these are people with jobs. Do half of you even know what the hell that is? Ive read the ENTIRE thread up to this point and the only people here ive seen have sense are Dixa (as always), Kraetec, and Adevil. Try to think of someone else other than yourself for a damn change. The people at DBG all have familes JUST LIKE YOU DO and bills, JUST LIKE YOU DO, oh wait, most of you are probably still living in the basement at 40 yrs old with ole mom and dad and cant hack it in the real world. If i am wrong about this then you definitely wouldnt be as upset about this as you are now, as you would realize that sometimes you cant always have your way.

    As far as asking friends "hey wait, stop playing or do tradeskills or something, give me a week or two to "catch up" to you so we can go play together KEKEKEKEKE!!"

    Ahlana likes this.
  3. Mams New Member

    Thanks for adding the pots DB, finally gives me a chance to catch up to my friends this week.
    Dread1313 likes this.
  4. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    I don't know the actual results of the poll pertaining to vitality potions. I don't know anybody that has seen the actual results of the poll pertaining to vitality potions. So I am curious about the source of data to support the premise that the outcome of the vitality potions poll was that there would be no vitality potions, and that they are adding them despite the poll results.

    I get that a person may not like the idea of vitality pots. I get that a person may have a hundred or more like-minded friends that don't care for the idea of vitality potions. What I don't get is the assumption that the mindset of a given demographic applies to the population at large.

    tl;dr - either (a) offer proof of the outcome of the vitality pot poll, or (b) stop saying that the addition of vitality pots is happening in spite of the vitality potion poll result (because, without that proof, you couldn't possibly know whether that statement is true or false). o_O
    Taemek and Rhodris like this.
  5. MaxtheGrape New Member

    #1 the only 'Champ' I know is John Cena

    #2 Where did I say I want my games completely free? Nowhere? Right thanks.

    #3 I feel sorry for you. As the resident Fan Boy your having trouble grasping at strings trying to justify every shady move Daybreak makes. I know I understand, its ok to vent.
  6. Nuada Active Member

    now xp pots and from 300 to 799 DB lol... shame on you !!! if you do everything on the old server can you give us our veteran NOW!

    but pay for all stuff that i have ?? no chance !! i buy not one !!
  7. Kendayar Active Member

    reading between the lines, this is really more about people being extra mad that nobody else is dropping everything to go roleplay on the island with them and since they have nothing else better to do since they rolled on Stormhold, they complain about 50s on the forums. they don't care about anybody other than themselves and they think everybody else is doing it wrong. period.
  8. Sliven New Member

    It is a nonsense to stop server to give "nostalgic" players XP potions... I don't care if they use it or no, my only hope is that extensions won't be unblocked faster due to that players who rush the game. If they want rush, thay can do it on other servers. Thanks.
  9. Dixa Active Member

    fan boy? lol. there are things i don't like here and i'm not afraid to bring them up. what i will NOT do is go all non-sensical internet jihadist about it.
  10. Veems Member

    Your post are kind of historical.

    I could care less about how many times someone has hit 50 in the past. Everyone has "been there, done that" Wasn't that the point of these servers..?

    Still have a majority wanting to see this pole. Taking into consideration that they could of used the polls done on regular servers.. and taking a look at the forums you seem to be the minority. No need to act victorious
  11. Filly67 Well-Known Member

    This a thousand times. We haven't really played for months due to the management and direction this game has taken. Our subs run out this fall. This server brought us back. If it becomes a rinse and repeat of the other servers then our subs will be allowed to run out. I truly believe that people should play how they want that is why there are different server options.
    Taemek likes this.
  12. Filly67 Well-Known Member

    [quote="Fetish, post: 6235470, member: 4451"but DBG should be careful that they don't ruin the amazing thing they created. The TL servers could be long term playing clients, or a short term money grab...the outcome will be determined by the way DBG handles it. All I would recommend to DBG is that they already have a certain play style accommodated on the normal servers...they should be careful about ******* up the TL servers by bringing that play style there also. Supporting two types of players will keep them both around. Catering to one will get them what they already had...a fading game.[/quote]

    Of course they will ruin it. I am really starting to lose any hope that they can keep their hands off of it. It's more like "oh look, they're having fun. Let's see how we can stop that nonsense."
    Taemek likes this.
  13. Ummmyeh Active Member

    I am curious how many level 50 people are posting in all of these threads?
    Dread1313 likes this.
  14. Taemek Member

    100% agree and I thought this was the aim of the TL servers, alas it seems DBG has a different perception of how they want them to be played on, which is not looking good from my perspective because I will simply just not pay my next subscription.

    As I stated a few pages back, I came back for one reason, this was as close as I could get to a *real* MMORPG experience again without the cash grabbing mentality of the current genre the MMORPG industry is in.

    I am starting to think and feel that even if the vote fails to execute the next expansion fails, they will still push it ahead anyway.

    I want to start seeing results and proof of these results from these polls and votes. Because atm, we have nothing to gauge what the majority of the community really wants. All we are seeing in every thread like this that supports nostalgia is, a few same vocal people telling us to leave if we don't like it, because that makes perfect sense right, less people = less revenue = less money to be spent on future implementation of new expansions and features not only for EQ2, but every game they release in the future.

    So to the people telling other people to leave if we don't like it, good job constructively and positively supporting DBG.
  15. Taemek Member

    My question is, how many of the people replying in these threads are actually even playing on the TL servers and paying a subscription to do so?
    Dread1313 likes this.
  16. Trivursar Active Member


  17. Dread1313 Active Member

    Then dont.?
  18. Dread1313 Active Member

    Dixa is not a fan boy, they are one of the people on this forum out of many idiots who has their head screwed on right.

    And your failed attempt at retort about the "champ" comment just shows how childish you are.
  19. Dread1313 Active Member

    Dont you mean "hysterical"?

    And its "poll" not pole.

    people started this server with the aim to experience original content and start off on equal footing yes, myself included.

    But it became quickly apparent out the door that this just wasnt gonna happen because the XP rates were deplorable, I know this for a fact with validation from seein ALL KINDS of people complaining about it in general chat AND on the forums!

    And from people cheating and abusing the BG exploit to get AA's and XP really fast (not all of them were banned btw).

    AND seeing people get to 50 in less than a week (which I still to this day question the validity of that.).

    AND people abusing the exploit in the lavastorm repeatable to get 20-30g per turn in.

    So you see, we lost the possibility to be a true NOSTALGIC TLE server from week 1, maybe week 2...

    All you people complaining about what DBG is doing now with the pots are just wasting your time. GG.
  20. Dread1313 Active Member

    You're just an "un".

    Nothing they have done has upset or bothered me. I like the new changes and as such will keep my subs going on all 5 of my accounts until I run out of money.