[TLE PVP] Take out the auto-defend on the gaurds in City PVP.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Drew575, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. Drew575 Active Member

    This was a stupid idea from the start, there was no poll option for it. I'd be ok with it if the gaurds were lvl 45-50 and didnt 1 shot, but 95-100 gaurds= l
    Thinwizzy likes this.
  2. Drew575 Active Member

  3. Drew575 Active Member

    good job dev who thought this was a good idea, you've effectively stopped City pvp. :rolleyes:
  4. Spokis New Member

    City pvp? kill afk? is not pvp. But if gaurds were lvl 45-50 it is good ;-).
    Real citty pvp is god but scout as evac, zoning and become immune to constantly back and forth is not pvp.
    Players utilize it to get away pvp when they can not win.
  5. Meaghan Stormfire Well-Known Member

  6. Spokis New Member

    I like city pvp to , but there must be balance.
    Take out the auto-defend on the gaurds in City PVP?
    No, but maybe they would do the guards herotic just and more mobile.
    Now, apparently, it's fun to kill AFK player in town to get high rank.
    Q run in FP in large groups, killing the AFK. I do not call pvp. Because the need also some guards for protection, but no high-level guards.
    you can use the thief's way into;-) to Town.
  7. Antisocial Member

    bit my tongue a few times trudging through that engrish
  8. Twinbladed Well-Known Member

    Have to agree, can't fight anyone around these things within 50 meters or just jump all over you. They should attack but not like they are doing now, just insane that you can't go into any zone with guards without them jumping you for hitting another player.
  9. Spokis New Member

    oops copy and paste from above;-)
  10. Spokis New Member

    lol sorry for that.;-O
    have bad English and use goggle sometimes.
  11. Antisocial Member

    It's all good. I'm just kidding around :) My wife is from Brazil and I like to make fun of her savage accent too.
    Belenos likes this.
  12. Milambers Active Member

    If this is referring to the fact that when that when guards in cities attack you you get auto-engaged in combat then yes, that needs to be fixed.
  13. Veems Member

    Afk on a pvp server.. cute.

    Personally I feel it should be taken out as a whole. The guards should be set to there respectable max level (45-50) and be left at that, cause if this function is left in game it still destroys lower level city pvp.
  14. Kraetec Active Member

    Has anyone played a comparable MMO in which there were major hub cities that were not safe zones? Even Aion had them.

    It makes sense for cities to be generally safe from invaders. I suppose I could understand the justification for making the guards lower level so that a massive raid of invaders could conquer them. However, I do not think that individuals or small groups of invaders should be able to kill within the opposite faction major city with impunity.
    Lucus likes this.
  15. Belenos Well-Known Member

  16. Spokis New Member

    Can agree with you, but they can mix also guards from level 10-50.
    AFK players have themselves to blame, but it is a bit difficult to tradskill when you get attacked have time to do nothing at all.
    before you can be ready to battle you're dead
    One option is that when the guards see any enemy
    sounds an alarm in the city.
    then it can be a normal pvp if you are not AFK of course.
    a more fair chance to fight
  17. Lucus Well-Known Member

    Just cause it's a PVP server doesn't mean you should be able to engage and harass enemy players at every single moment of their playtime. crafting, banking and brokering should be safe from interference inside cities.

    If you don't want to die to guards then avoid their player assist aggro radius.
  18. Ilovecows Active Member

    I can agree with lowering the guard level to around the level cap. Somewhere in the 45-55 range so that it is possible for a large scale enemy invasion without every player getting instantly incinerated by the guards.

    However, city pvp should be very difficult. You are entering the heart of the enemy's largest strongholds. There are guards everywhere that are paid to protect their citizens. They should be somewhat useful and not just stand there like dummies while the people they are sworn to protect are slaughtered before their eyes.

    If invading an enemy city and dealing with guards is to intense for you or you aren't good enough to use your cc and burn enemy players before they can run to get help, then maybe you should just stay out of the cities. There are over a dozen zones you can go to for pvp where you don't have to worry about guard aggro.

    If you want to invade the main enemy city to kill mostly people trying to craft, it should be very hard to do. Deal with the difficulty, learn to be better or go somewhere else.
    Lucus likes this.
  19. Heavendancer Member

    Don't see whats the issue i mean in freeport at crafting area there is no guards means free crafting/afk killing without risk and just go outside crafting area wow there is a zone which gives you 20 sec immun if you are qs/exiles but i guess thats not enough better lower all guards and make them blind as before so the city pvpers who suck in real pvp and only get ranks by afkers and crafters can keep their titels...... city pvp is possible i mean look at aros/sora they live in freeport cus its so easy no guards around crafting area and they need to move just outside crafting area in wfp so they can zone if it get dangerous... this is just lame better bring auto combat in and let all afk killers be killed by people that actually can protect themselfs....
  20. Spokis New Member

    Then it is better to have a sound alarm in the city if the guards detect enemies in the city.
    AFK? let them die. other players get the chance to protect themselves.