[TLE] Priest Gear

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Caton, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. Caton New Member

    Why is it that 90% of priest gear i.e. Wisdom plate has disruption and subjugation on it instead of ministration and ordination... I did some math this morning and I have to lose about 50-60 wisdom to get to ministration cap but I'm about 100 over disruption cap which is 325 at level 50... At level 60 going through eq2wire looking I'm 30 ministration shy of cap of 390 with what I consider bis bc of wisdom and blue stats... But I have unneeded disruption on pecies that makes no sense... With capped ministration I save currently 15-33 power per heal cast and for a plate healer that's a lot of power... That's 191 power if I cast all my heals which is a free group reactive or 2 single target reactives...
    Malleria likes this.
  2. Seiffil Active Member

    Wisdom only impacts your damage and the size of your power pool (I think). It doesn't have any impact on heals except for templars, and mystics, where a portion of your wisdom is used similar to ability mod once you get your fabled or mythical epic, or ER..
    Mermut likes this.
  3. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Also, over cap skills on 'offensive' arts increases the bottom damage of spells, which is useful.