Tired of Wolf Form, but like the buffs? I have found the solution!

Discussion in 'Warden' started by ARCHIVED-neblehK, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-neblehK Guest

    So, you're tired of hearing BARK BARK BARK while standing around in Wolf form? Tired of checking out your own tail? Tired of the bone fetish and itching for fleas? Of walking on all fours?! Of having dog breath?!?! Boy do I have the solution for you. :smileyhappy:

    Out and about the lands of Norrath there are these little ?'s on the ground. Now I don't know where they are all located, but I can tell you at least 2 of the ones you need are on the Chessboard, main room, and well room all in Stormhold (the weathered and unscathed I believe they are called). Basically you collect these little suckers off the ground, no harvesting skill needed, and examine them. What it is is "(race name) weathered/scathed/enchanted/cracked/shattered bone fragments". When you have collected all 5 types for a particular race and examined them all (quest is shown under collections), you head back into town and turn the bones into a bone collector. For Qeynos this collector is a man located in North Qeynos under one of the trees in front of the castle entrance. In turn, he will give you a petrified eye of that race type.

    With this eye, you collect one more bone of that same race type (does not mattered if its cracked, shattered etc) and keep that in your inventory or in your bank vault. Take the petrified eye and place that in one of your equipable slots where your torches and misc items would go. Drag that equipped slot over to one of your hotbars and PRESTO, you can now click that hotbar key and turn into an illusion of that race!

    Much like using deer form or fae form before casting wolf form, you can cast the racial illusion first then stack wolf form behind that and you will still remain as the illusion cast before wolf form while retaining all of the buffs of wolf form.

    Couple of misc facts and tips about this quest:
    - I found most of mine for sale on the brokers
    - when you zone, the racial illusion will drop so you do have to deal with the pain of recasting it between zones on top of recasting wolf form after that
    - It IS reusable, but the bone componet does get used up as of the 1/2005 major patch. :smileysad:
    - It last 6 hours or (as mentioned above) until you zone
    - You can do it for all the races though it's my understanding the Froglok one will not work until they are unlocked on your server
    - You can also do it for Gnolls and Orcs (haven't tried these two personally, but I have done 3 of the races so far)
    - When harvesting the ?'s, they do tend to be mixed with other collection quest. In Stormhold for instance, I was getting a variety of the 2 above mentioned bones in addition to lots of misc spiders for a spider collection quest. Don't fret, just keep trying. While the ? did not spawn in the exact same spot every single time, they do tend to constantly respawn in the same general area every 5-10 minutes.
    - I have heard there are different level requirements to use the illusions. I don't know what they are or how true this is. At level 31 I can use the 3 I've gotten so far.
    - I look really ugly as an Ogre, really hot as Wood Elf, and my goodness does running feel faster when I'm a halfling!
    Message Edited by neblehK on 12-16-2004 12:21 PM
    Message Edited by neblehK on 01-10-2005 12:26 PM
  2. ARCHIVED-blitz Guest

    AWESOME post! :)
  3. ARCHIVED-Rljohnny Guest

    Indeed, I'm scouring the broker tonight ^_^
  4. ARCHIVED-Murferoo Guest

    You are a god amongst men!
  5. ARCHIVED-neblehK Guest

    If you're really lucky you might find someone who is selling the eye itself as well. Search the broker for "eye" and look for "a (race) petrified eye" or some such. You wouldn't be getting the xp for doing the collection quest yourself, but that's not what this is really about is it? Hehe, happy hunting!
  6. ARCHIVED-Krib Guest

    five stars for joo :)
  7. ARCHIVED-Barimen Guest

    Do NOT forget to mention that at lvl 28 ( me ) I get 8% XP for turning finnishing that quest, thats just golden bonus :)

    Ogre: Done
    Dark Elf: Done
    Halfling: Weathered left
    High Elf: Unscathed left
    Erudite: Unscath and Enchanted left

    I have more in bank but quest journal is getting full so, completing these first.

    We should make a trade thread for thoose things really :)
  8. ARCHIVED-Murferoo Guest

    level 35 I get 6 percent...rox.
  9. ARCHIVED-neblehK Guest

    Oh yeah, good xp too. (grin)
  10. ARCHIVED-Ballyhoo Guest

    This didn't work for me for some reason. The eye casts, but I remain in wolf form. I wonder if it could be because I'm using the halfling eye and I am a halfling.
  11. ARCHIVED-ApexEQ2 Guest

    Are the Enchanted bones also found in SH? I've been looking for days now and not found a single one
  12. ARCHIVED-Prevost Guest

    Cast the eye illusion first then wolf form to get the illusion you want to stay active and receive buff benefits.

    I've only gotten weathered bones from SH, but a friend of mine has gotten 2 enchanted from Zek.
  13. ARCHIVED-Barimen Guest

    Just completed High elf, but I can not cast it on me for some reason, could this be cause im freeport?

    I also do not have any other high elf bone on me, but the cracked ogre one I have worked for both ogre and dark elf.
  14. ARCHIVED-neblehK Guest

    You need a high elf bone to cast the high elf illusion, I know this for a fact as I have the high elf illusion.
  15. ARCHIVED-neblehK Guest

    Cast the illusion first and then wolf form.
  16. ARCHIVED-Sebastien Guest

    Just this morning I was wondering if this would work. YAY!

    Although, on a related note, I am hoping that the 'new animations' that are being added in the next big patch will include some things to make being a wolf more entertaining. :)
  17. ARCHIVED-neblehK Guest

    Original post updated!

    "With this eye, you collect one more bone of that same race type (does not mattered if its cracked, shattered etc) and keep that in your inventory or in your bank vault."

    Just found this out last night, very awesome. Bank the bone componet and forget about it. :smileyhappy:
  18. ARCHIVED-WeeLass Guest

    You owe me money neblehK!! I've gone broke buying all the bones I can. I do have petrified eyes for Gnome, Dark Elf and Ogre now which are a ton of fun though. Got to make more money to finish some more of these collections!!:smileywink:
    Message Edited by WeeLass on 12-17-2004 05:51 PM
  19. ARCHIVED-flamingmonkey Guest

    is there a petrified gnoll eye illusion? i got a chipped gnoll eye in oakmyst and i was just curious if all the racial eye quests gave illusion eyes of that race. if anyone knows please drop a post.

    thx for info on this, also! being a wolf in eq2 after being one for so long in eq1 is quite old.
  20. ARCHIVED-neblehK Guest

    Pretty sure there is a Orc and Gnoll one as well, at least that's what I've read and been told. Yes, Wolf form is old and it's probably why we always have at least a 2 Warden for 3 Fury ratio, sometimes they flat out out number us 2 to 1. That's what racial illusions, Faerie Form, Deer Form, and Owlbear forms are for though. :smileyhappy:
    Message Edited by neblehK on 12-20-2004 08:45 AM