Time for proper in-game advertising system for crafters?

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Groscious, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Dalannae Guest

    feldon30 wrote:
    ooh I'd like to see that then I'd know what each of my toons has and see what they need. as well as see if there is someone who has soemtign i need. like the epic tradeskil and HQ recipes for when I bring up the rest of my 10 or so tradeskillers. yes I did double up on a couple of tradeskills.
  2. ARCHIVED-Dalannae Guest

    Pengefinchess@Splitpaw wrote:
    I"ve actually got to provis i'm bring ups one is researching from the top down the other bottom up while leveling htem.
  3. ARCHIVED-Groscious Guest

    "As the OP suggests, improvements need to be made in the way people find crafters. There should be a way for a person to be LFW and show all the professions they have on their account. "
    This is close to what I had in mind. I actually hadn't thought of calling the people to me (I was more thinking of portable tables) but that's a very good idea.
    The way I see it: the present system is like standing at the top of street filled with hawkers selling their wares from stalls, and shouting out 'anybody here can make me some chocolate chip cookies.' Now I may or may not get a reply, depending on who is there at that precise time, if they have the recipe, and if they can be bothered making some for me. For me, I'd much prefer to pop down to the confectioners, look in the window to see if there's anything I like, and if there is, pop inside and buy it. Simple, hassle free, and both parties end up happy! And if the shop happened to be shut when I got there, I would still have the option of returning the following day if that suited. (Continued because of exceeding the maximum chracter count)
  4. ARCHIVED-Groscious Guest

    I like the new Dungeon Maker feature. When I'm looking to play, I pop the Dungeon Maker window up, have a look to see any that might interest me, whether I'm looking for fun or just tokens, and then run the dungeon. It's quick, simple, and convenient. What would be less convenient, I think, would be to holler 'Anybody got any good dungeons?' No doubt I would get a plethora of 'yeah mine is a totally super fantastic dungeon, you'll love it!!' only to find that it was none of these and I didn't. Now the same could happen through the window but I believe that when people are aware that their dungeon may receive more 'unlike' than 'like' reports, they may put in the effort. The 'like' rating system is again, simple and convenient. In fact, the window works very effectively, just like the 'looking for guilds' window does. What's the big deal about giving we crafters something similar? If ya don't wanna use it, then don't. For we non-uber fantastic crafters though, it might make life a little bit easier?
  5. ARCHIVED-Deveryn Guest

    Groscious wrote:
    Thanks. In my experience, the most annoying part of all this can be trying to figure out where to meet someone. My crafting house is in the Freeport Academy building, which isn't exactly convenient for anyone. I like to get things done quickly for people and I'm sure most don't want to spend too much time waiting around even longer after trying to find someone to make something. If people can queue up and be whisked away to dungeons, I don't see why we can't have a system where you can easily meet up at your house or hall.
  6. ARCHIVED-apwyork Guest

    Enrico@Permafrost wrote:
    Um, remotely true. I have all 9 tradeskills and among all those crafters I have researched almost every recipe for all levels.
    I am short on a couple of the apprentices who had signficantly more recipes than the others, such as the provo apprentice, but on the gear makers I have researched all but maybe a half-dozen of the gear recipes TOTAL among the crafters.
    The main limitation on getting items made is and always has been on the non-crafter side. I won't drop what I'm doing to make something if I'm busy. I won't make something for someone who annoys me in any way. I won't wait for someone who wants something made, but thinks that they have time to do whatever they are doing. I imagine most of the people who do craft have a similar mindset.
  7. ARCHIVED-ratbast Guest

    apwyork wrote:
    the mindset "is what it is" because of a few points of design. there is no ready and waiting content for crafters to tackle (except mara daily which is not current content, it drops rygorr recipes and last tiers rare harvests). its all based on demand. if you falsely predict demand you waste rares. even recipes are planned out and researched over long term instad of doing instance fore recipe book.

    ive offered several ideas for real time beneficial tasks to boost the crafter side. instead of fleshing crafting out, they gave raiders the best tradeskill researchers to SLR. (and 6 new quests in skyshrine)

    what id love to see would be a recipe for sages that permanently masks the creator of an item, mats costing 1p, and another item for sages that temporarily unmasks the creator, mats costing 100p, item usable on 1 other players equipped gear for 10 minute duration, and just for that player.

    one of the biggest reasons i dont do more charity crafting is because it means revealing who all my alts are. the removal of privacy and the constant logging (plus zoning) just arent worth it. letting crafters do proxy crafting from alts recipe books would solve that.

    my favorite idea for real time crafting would be a NY stock exchange, run by players. player activity would be a drop in the pond compared to the artificial stock manipulations. leaving it a black box quests could revolve around, and it could swallow huge amounts of supply, creating artificial demand whenever it pleased, giving crafters real time content instead of merely responding to immediate player driven demand or prediction for future player demand.

    id love to see a quest along the lines of the freeport/qeynos rivalry of frostfang crafting. the evil side is quested to undercut and saturate the market of a qeynos player, destroying their plat making opportunity. only to find out the qeynosian used the product as a ploy to sell vast quantities of the rare it needs, which they were selling for 300% mark-up, the qeynosian wasnt trying to sell the final product, they wanted to sell the rares, which the freeport crafter bought at huge loss. market manipulations would be awesome, and could involve entire guilds in trying to amass power and wealth. would be lots of opportunities for qho and his family to get in on the action as well, as a commodity broker of all those rares hes been amassing. imagine if you could own shares of the qho family businesses stock.

    what if guilds were like companies and returned a dividend? of couse these things could get too complex very fast, but crafting is currently out of hand, its services are requested but noone wants to do it for waitress tips. the actual jobs involve very little time and effort, thus making logging and zoning up to or over 1/2 of the total effort involved. who thinks a crafter deserves a fat tip for logging or zoning? its thankless busy work a monkey could do.
  8. ARCHIVED-ratbast Guest

    Deveryn@Crushbone wrote:
    the solution for this is to publish your crafting home so its tourable, and soe need to provide some kind of text hyperlink you can /tell.

    rummaging around in housing without a search function is complete and utter crap. the best thing you can do atm is to name it someone like AAAAA or 1234 if numbers are allowed.

    i already publish my transportation houses, but i generally just cov ppl to my home if they need something made.
  9. ARCHIVED-Deveryn Guest

    ratbast wrote:
    I would consider that, but unfortunately this house has a tendency to change and I am not moving all those materials I've collected to another location. The leaderboards are the other reason I haven't published, but you covered that. If there was a search function added or even a "My group" filter, I would consider publishing, but I would still prefer to just be able to summon them to my house.
  10. ARCHIVED-Newtron Guest

    it would be lovely if there were another tab to the broker, WTB.
    If i needed a mottled leather backpack, i could put what looks like a broker sale of a backpack now, except, it would be the pic of the backpack, and i could put the amount im willing to pay to have it made up there with it, paid up front.
    Then, someone could come along, check broker WTB's and they'd see my backpack advertisement and they could make one and pop it into broker and get the $ i put in there for it.
    Doesn't sound hard.