Timbered Villa of the Enchanted-Halls of Fate

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Valzen, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. Valzen Well-Known Member

    Qeynos side. Tower of Knowledge owned by Jazie. Or leaderboards > medium homes > newly published.

    Here's the story in the book as you enter:
    “In one of the many alternate realms of Norrath about which so few speak, a hundred years ago, the elements of fire, earth and water were distraught, because the mages in Qeynos had decided to turn their powers against the good citizens.

    As the elements overthrew the Tower of Knowledge with their great forces, the mages, confused and battered, fled into the enchanted woodlands, seeking refuge.

    The magical creatures of the forest seized this opportunity to proclaim the mages’ tower to be upheld by the better powers. They combined efforts with the elements, changed the tower into a place resembling a hollow enchanted tree, so everyone could enjoy some tranquility.

    The tower is now unrecognizable as it once was when the mages inhabited it. Whatever became of the evil mages is unknown, but there are some whispering rumors from the forest that they were all banished to the Ethernere.

    Enjoy your stay.”

    More screenshots here: Clickie carousel
    As always, thank you all so much for visiting. Love this community.
  2. HaphazardAllure Well-Known Member

    This is soooo beautiful! I have to come visit in person. :)
  3. Valzen Well-Known Member

    Thank you!! :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Ocarinah like this.
  4. Ocarinah Well-Known Member

    Wow! Added to my tour list :D
    Valzen and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  5. Febrith Well-Known Member

    Oh my little druid heart! Looks gorgeous I'll be over to visit:)
  6. Febrith Well-Known Member

    Omg love this house so much - what a wonderful job you've done in here - it's unrecognizable as the Tower of Knowledge and it blew me away - I especially love the distinctly different feel of the rooms whilst still keeping with the theme - the colours are gorgeous. Also, I love the chairs using the woven leaf mats and the bamboo stools (totally stealing that idea for future use!) I think the golden section is my favourite - ahh but then the blue with that brilliant table with the flower canopy......screenshots don't do this house justice <3
  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    No, yeah, they really don't. I'm honored to be in the same guild as this really talented lady with my toons on Halls of Fate, and I have to say, she's an absolute wizard (pardon the expression ;->) on re-skinning and what my knight in the Society for Creative Anachronism would call "trick of the eye," trompe l'oeil stuff of making you think you're in a much bigger area, different area entirely, etc., etc., etc. I'm not surprised at all that it looks completely different and is awesome as well. :D

    Valzen, Ocarinah and Febrith like this.
  8. Mystyrys Well-Known Member

    What a lovely transformation! So peaceful and meditative and alive!
  9. Sharann Well-Known Member

    Magnificent home!

    What have you used for the starry walls at the entrance of each area? I couldn't examine it and it looks lovely! Well everything looks lovely in fact. Very peaceful, lovely colors.:cool:
  10. Febrith Well-Known Member

    Those starry walls are part of the original house decoration - the clever thing has incorporated it brilliantly!
  11. Valzen Well-Known Member

    I really appreciate that, Febrith. Means alot!!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Ocarinah like this.
  12. Valzen Well-Known Member

    Awww You are so sweet! Thank you very much, my friend. **hugs**
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Ocarinah like this.
  13. Valzen Well-Known Member

    Yep, what Febrith said. Those starry walls and ceilings are part of the default home. Thank you so much for your visit and kind words. :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Ocarinah like this.