Thulwun Station

Discussion in 'Mages' started by Tandar, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Tandar New Member

    Hi all. I'm a Necro in Timorous Deep. I'm trying to get to Thulwun Station to do the quest for my mount. I asked ingame and was told to look for a ramp by the wooden cages whatever they are. Someone else said use the ladders, what ladders ?. I have eqmaps but it just shows where the quest is, not how to get there. Ad EQ2i just gives coords not a route. I may end up buying a mount.

    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Treiko Active Member

    Been a long time since i have quested there, but seeing as this is not a class question you might have better luck in the quest or even general discussion forums :)
  3. Tandar New Member

    Thanks, will do