The Tribunal- Best tank God EVER!

Discussion in 'Berserker' started by ARCHIVED-Slayer505, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Slayer505 Guest

    I had heard that Tribunal's Blessings/Miracles were pretty tankish, but I never got around to trying it in Beta. Since I had run down my Marr favor I decided to give Tribunal a go and man does this God own. I had only a couple of the Marr blessings/miracles I ever used since most of them seemed more geared towards Pallies, and in fact I haven't used a blessing/miracle in a couple of months at least. When I saw the list of blessings and miracles for The Tribunal I was dumbfounded. This God owns! The final blessing reduces all damage taken by 20% and converts it to a heal, essentially absorbing 40% of all damage.... for 10 minutes! For the first time I actually found myself having a hard time picking what blessings/miracles to use. The only weak thing so far is the pet- it gives 32 Wis. The cloak has a 5 second stun proc on spell or melee that doesn't effect epics- not useful for raiding but pretty cool for solo/group.
    Here's the full list:
    Unquestioned Oath- Increases all stats by 78
    Virtue of the Six- Improves reuse of all combat arts by 10% & casting time by 12.5%
    Inquiry- Increases Hate gain by 39%, When you are damage has a 10% chance to cast Inquiry (increase threat to targets in AoE by 295)
    Law and Order- Increases in combat health regen by 499, increases mitigation by 913
    Scales of Justice- 20% of all damage received is converted into health

    Perjury- (1 min duration) - 30% of all damage received is done to power instead of health
    Vigilante Justice- (30 sec duration) - Increase DPS by 40, on every successful melee attack inflicts 208 divine dmg
    Word of the Magistrate- (30 sec duration) - Increase hate gain by 100%, Increase all resists by 3200, when you are damaged with melee, inflicts 208 divine dmg
    Hammer of Justice- (Up to 1 min duration) - Summons limited hammer pet
    Final Judgement- Inflicts magic dmg on target equal to 50% of caster's total health, cannot exceed 50% of target's max health, applies immunity to this for 30 sec, must be hated by your target
  2. ARCHIVED-Emoec Guest

    i wonder if the devs are aware that they capped hate gain mod to 50%...
  3. ARCHIVED-breizhus Guest

    Hum very interessting :D
    i have chosen Mithaniel Marr but i think i perhaps change my god

  4. ARCHIVED-Oldlore Guest

    Looks very nice, but I agree with the earlier poster. I wonder if divine based stuff will be made to go beyond the hate cap, otherwise they're much less useful.
  5. ARCHIVED-Slayer505 Guest

    It would be nice if we could get an answer on that one. Another question I'd like to answer is wether Scales of Justice will stack with Adrenaline. I'm only 78 atm (almost 79) so I can't test it myself yet, but if it did that would be pretty sweet. I tested out Scales of Justice in Charasis last night though and it worked like a charm. I think it's my new favorite blessing ;)
  6. ARCHIVED-DasanW Guest

    I ran though and changed to Tribunal.. yes, Scales of justice is pretty nice, I would think it would stack with Adr. I am very please with it so far!
  7. ARCHIVED-RufusDeMarko Guest

    Switched from Marr to Tribunal last night..never looking back!
    Marr's cloak is probably still useful however, Cloak of Justice has a 5 sec stun, but no stats =(
  8. ARCHIVED-Mildavyn Guest

    Screenshot of Tribunal's cloak? They're good alligned only correct?
  9. ARCHIVED-DrOctober Guest

    Tribunal is neutral.
    Renounced my devotion to Rallos Zek last night and ran through the Tribunal quest line. Took about 3 hours (I'm 71), but would have gone much faster if TimDeep wasn't such a pain in the keister to get around in.
    I still have my RZ cloak and am not sure which I'll use in general. The 5s stun on the Tribunal cloak does look nice for tougher mobs when I'm in a group to have the potential to reduce the amount of damage I take.
    Like other posters, the variety of very good Blessings and Miracles available to Tribunal will make selection difficult. With RZ, I just took the Rallos' Devastation miracle and broke it out when I REALLY needed that little bit of extra DPS.

    For Blessings, I'll probably run with either Inquiry, Virtue of the Six or Scales, depending on where I'm going and what my expected group makeup is.
    For Miracles, it will probably be Word of the Magistrate (raids), Vigilante Justice (solo/small group), or Perjury (solo/small group).

    Having 10 good tank abilities available, 5 or 6 of those being REALLY good, but only being able to choose 2, is a nice problem to have.