The three second pvp fight has returned

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-dellaripa, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-dellaripa Guest

    Target not a friend
    Target not a friend
    Target not a friend
    Target not a friend
    Die at full power while in a full set of pvp gear.
    This is what's become of "pvp". Thanks for nothing.
  2. ARCHIVED-Kota Guest

    i was taking bets in 80-89 the other day on how long it would be until a thread like this started.
  3. ARCHIVED-dellaripa Guest

    Tenka@Nagafen wrote:
    Did you win or lose that bet?
  4. ARCHIVED-gandie Guest

    No doubt dps classes gained most from last update.Especially end game HC raiders on dps classes.They came out on top after the last update =)
    Ask urself why some of the most vocal voices for toughness change/nerf came fom our more HC raiders...Coincidence i think not =)

    HC=Hard core..Info for those living in a box.
  5. ARCHIVED-Mosha D'Khan Guest

    Jabib@Nagafen wrote:
    so a HC raider that has the best dps gear, they put in the most time to get stuff should be on par with a regular instance/BG person that does not put in 8 or so hours a week raiding? how does that make since. if you want to not die in 3 sec or be some one who has a chance either put in more time or learn to avoid the raiders. the fact that a person in BG gear could stand up to a full T3 raid gear person with few pvp gear here and there was a joke.
  6. ARCHIVED-Chia_Pet Guest

    Why should a Raider be on par to a PvPr in PvP at all?
  7. ARCHIVED-Ajjantis Guest

    Chia_Pet wrote:
    Why would you go to raid if you could get the same items with zero effort in pvp? Lets remove raids alltogether then!
    Toughness has been a fail since start.
  8. ARCHIVED-Chia_Pet Guest

    thought raiding was end game content for the PvE aspect of the game, why wouldnt you raid if you like it????
  9. ARCHIVED-gandie Guest

    Mosha DKhan wrote:
    so a HC raider that has the best dps gear, they put in the most time to get stuff should be on par with a regular instance/BG person that does not put in 8 or so hours a week raiding? how does that make since. if you want to not die in 3 sec or be some one who has a chance either put in more time or learn to avoid the raiders. the fact that a person in BG gear could stand up to a full T3 raid gear person with few pvp gear here and there was a joke.
    My reply below.For some reason ur text didnt get transfered with when i wanted to reply
    Welcome to pvp srv.
    Why on earth are u raiders so hell bend on having the moral upper hand on a pvp srv.
    U have plenty of servers to flex ur pve ****** on. So go do it there =)
  10. ARCHIVED-SuraSuzukisan Guest

    Jabib@Nagafen wrote:
    i agree with jabib. Honestly if you think the people who pvp less than you raid per week you are sadly mistaken ... I would be all for tiered pvp gear ... i'll earn my tokens ... trade my t1 pvp piece in for a t2 piece etc ... ... and before you assume much i raid and pvp ... but I do not see why on a pvp server it is somehow construed as unfair that someone who pvps shouldn't have the same kinds of rewards as someone who raids 24/7 ... No one asked them tomake the gear easily obtainable except for those who ironically were mostly in to PVE content to begin with. I was perfectly content with it taking forever to get pieces of gear ... I still prefer pvp over pve, thus the reason for coming to a PVP server... so pvpers should be penilized in favor of HC raiders who believe that the fact they live in their mothers basement and play this game 21 hours a day, raid six days a week for 5 hours a day deserve an advantage over people who are here for pvp ... Screw that ... neither party deserves an advantage they should be on par with each other for the same amount of time commitment period.
  11. ARCHIVED-Silverzx Guest

    Ajjantis@Nagafen wrote:
    what if the person pvps more then you raid? why should you be stronger in pvp then him?
  12. ARCHIVED-kukiake Guest

    Or let's turn this around. You raid 4 hours, 5 days a week. I PvP 12 hours, 7 days a week. My gear should be better for RAIDING then your gear because I am putting in more hours. See how stupid it sounds?
  13. ARCHIVED-Legion2024 Guest

    yep 3 sec fights are not entertainment, 30 to 1 min fights are, raiders stick to your instances thats what you like best leave the pvp people alone, i pvp 8 hours a week so by what you say i am intitled to be on par with the raiders simple as that, Soe once again is catering to a few on the server and not all.

    If you enjoy raiding then raid if you like the gear then raid, but your 8 hours raiding to my 8 hours pvping = to the same amont of time spent ingame playing,

    Soe get your act together grow some balls and desine the game, dont get players to put input in to the game as that will allways sway things one way or another. and that is the hole problem, start puting out surveys ingame to find out what your hole player base wants
  14. ARCHIVED-spudsmckenzie2 Guest

    dps is too high. when im fully defensively geared with kinetic, imdomitable gear with 2 healers in my group and get burned down in 3 seconds ...there is a problem. fix it right ohilin..dont listen to the fringes listen to the center...ty.
  15. ARCHIVED-Khonann Guest

    Silverzx wrote:
    THIS... i PVP more then you raid, so I should have better PVP gear then you do, but I dont, with the update, I have worse PVP gear for PVP'ng even more then you PVE... how F'd up is this?
  16. ARCHIVED-Legion2024 Guest

    Ghetto it sure is.
  17. ARCHIVED-sokil Guest

    I agree. 30sec fights are not entertaining. I would lke to see longer fights and more balance. I know gear makes up for a lot but that is seldom the case. It is rediculous that a mage can last against 4 players and kill them all in less than one minute.
  18. ARCHIVED-Khonann Guest

    its 100% the case that the raiders cried like pansies the loudest and got exactly what they wanted, again... not a surprise, they are the loudest bunch of QQ'rs of them all... so they whined and cried and complained and B#$%ched and moaned until they got their way... to get raid gear #1 for everyhing on a PVP server once again... just like it was all through ROK and TSO...
    they wanted to be able to fight a scripted mob with ACT telling them what to do and when to do it, at the end of which, come out and beat the living b'jesus out of people who were PVP'ng that whole same time... its what they do best... kill PVE mobs with timers and think they somehow deserve better PVP gear for doing so... and once again, SOE gave it to them
  19. ARCHIVED-Legion2024 Guest

    i thought we had a pvp dev or something, does he not play the game...?
  20. ARCHIVED-BlueEternal Guest

    I still use a majority of PVP specific gear in pvp.