The State of Nagafen and Warfields. (Please Sticky.)

Discussion in 'PvP & Battlegrounds' started by Tippysaurus, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Luanne Active Member

    Even if they fixed pvp and made it work perfectly, without a REASON to be PVPing it still would get old quickly. It needs to be an integral part of the game and people forced into it on a pvp server (by doing the other things mentioned)
  2. quester770 Member

    Then change it so you CAN be attacked/fight in the air, can't fly out too high to be out of range.

    There are other MMO's that have fast travel and PvP is fine. One I played let you go anywhere in the world with a spell, didn't mean it killed PvP, you didn't have to travel anywhere you didn't want to.

    There was plenty of PvP (I've been playing since 09) with the griff flight paths intact. There were plenty of players back then.

    I'm not offended and I like PvP, the first game I played there was no such thing as a PvE server, it was all pvp, you could be attacked by any player or mob. I just don't agree with all of your ideas, which is my right, you don't have to agree, but your way isn't the only one that will work.
  3. Thetmes Active Member

    If they changed it to where we could fight in the air then what would we use range only? Not fair by any means as not all class's hit very hard with range. So then we would need to be able to use all our spells and CA's and on top of that then everyone would need to be able to cast on the run all the time......... not a good idea imo There is a reason not all class's can cast on the run just leave that alone.

    Fast travel is not PvP friendly in any way shape or form it keeps people out of open world zones and in instances ( where there is no PvP )...... nuff said there

    There was far less PvP when you started playing then there was before the flight path revamp. When you started playing we had already lost 50% give or take of the PvP pop on Naggy ( no I do not have the exact number but I am sure that that is close + or - 10% )

    I will agree that my way is not the only one that will work. However if you look at the list I have posted and do the research here on these boards you will see that they are the most common complaints of the player base going back to 09 and even before that. These are the things that made long time players go play different games, transfer to other servers or just stop playing anything. Again it may not be the only way but it is where things need to start.