'The Same Thing We Do Every Night' - another Splitpaw puzzle home...

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Elduren, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. Elduren Well-Known Member

    Since the Whodunnit house got such a warm reception, I thought I'd do a full post on one of my other Splitpaw puzzle homes. This one is a little bit easier, but does require some running around overland zones.

    In this puzzle, you are asked to help an agent of Freeport foil the diabolical schemes of a cabal of crazed coercers.

    The Mission

    So you've got to explore Stichin's tower, find the notebooks that reveal the locations of each of the targets, and then head on out into Norrath to find them. Then send Elduren a mail giving each target's identity. Simples.

    The Villain
    Stichin the Coercer... once a simple laboratory rat, now he conducts his own 'experiments' on the people of Norrath! Every night he plots to take over the world.


    Stichin's Tower
    The tower can be found on a Tenebrous Isle (accessed via Freeport or in the Hall of Fame). You'll need to find a way through the rat runs of Stichin's maze-like gardens to even get into the tower itself.

    The pillars of the tower are ablaze with lamps of magical purple fire. Stichin likes purple.




    Inside the Tower
    Once inside, you'll need to find the three notebooks. The various floors of the tower can be accessed by using these magical transportation devices:


    On the ground floor is a large reception area, where the band of enchanters sit eating cheese and plotting the destruction of the realms of Norrath. Stichin doesn't play the piano. He uses magic to make his guests believe he can. They're always very impressed.


    On the 1st Floor is Stichin's study/laboratory. This place is filled with magical artifacts and ancient tomes on the study of mind control. Not that Stichin needs them of course. He's the best.


    Stichin's private quarters can be found on the 2nd Floor. On the rare occasions that he actually sleeps, this is where he'll do it.


    At the top of the tower on the 3rd Floor can be found Stichin's meditation sanctum. It is said there he can channel his magical powers of coercion across the land through the use of a giant mind control sphere built into the roof of the tower. You also get lovely views out across the gardens.


    Get cracking...
    So now you know where you're going, what are you waiting for? The fate of Norrath depends on you...
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    No pressure! ;->

    foiling not only would-be dictators but also rats...ahh.... :)
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Sweet place, Elduren! Love what you did with it, especially all the various levels and the outer aspect; looked truly like a palace for a would-be (ha! not if I have anything to say about it!) world conqueror, complete with huge banners and balconies to pontificate from... ;->

    BTW, you have mail. ;->

    (do see this one in person, folks, but it's in the Hall of Fame already, fairly deep in...have patience finding it; it's worth it!)

    crossing fingers...
  4. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    With a plot to take over the world, shouldn't his name be...


    Dexella and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Already taken; SOE probably wouldn't let him use it. ;->

    Besides, when I saw the name Stichin, the first thing that sprang to mind was "a stitch in time," which may be The Brain going incognito in a more "primitive" world (though without Pinky...poor chap). ;->

  6. Elduren Well-Known Member

    Big congrats to Uwk for cracking this one. Plats in the post! :D
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Woot! I shall look for it! :)

    a greedy li'l kitty ;->
  8. Dexella Associate Producer


    Another great house, Elduren! :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Elduren like this.
  9. Elduren Well-Known Member

    Thanks again Dexella! Have you tried the puzzle? It's a little more straightforward than the whodunit house...
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  10. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Marginally! LOL! ;->

    Seriously, beautiful job. And thanks for putting that wonderful Grobb airship where I could finally get a chance to see it up close and personal! :)

    who really needs to get one for himself :)
  11. Elduren Well-Known Member

    Sorry to dredge this old thread again, but just had another player complete it! Congrats to Nicoic (is that Aeriel?) - the prize is in the mail!

    Still more runner-up prizes if anyone else wants to try it!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.