The Rise of a Hero

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-eyes007, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-eyes007 Guest

    The Rise of a Hero
    By Dredonvani of Saryn

    “The darkness is threatening to engulf my soul”

    The light of the morning sun chose that very moment to strike its healing warmth across the young paladin’s grief-stricken face, as if to reassure the gentle elf and to remind him that all is not lost.
    Dredonvani gazed up at the light, hoping and searching for answers that his conscience seemed to forbid. Nightmares had wracked his sleep of late, visions of blood and destruction loomed along every horizon, haunting him and his utter devotion to the light of Tunare. Now with the death of his ever-present companion Lucion, all seemed uncertain, particularly in light of his growing joy at the cry of war and battle.

    As Jodi looks on, she studies her high elf friend, hoping to catch a glimpse of the person she knew of old and with growing sadness looks away, knowing that recent events have changed Dredonvani forever. With a sense of irony she curses her Shaman powers, knowing that all she can do is whisper a quick prayer to Tunare, to watch over her troubled friend.
    “Tis useless you know…you do not believe in his God let alone KNOW how to form a prayer” remarks softly the bold warrior to her left.
    Without looking at Edhammerface she knew he is right, yet if only….
    “How long has he been kneeling there?”
    “All first I thought he was alright but when the moon lit up the sky I could see him kneeling there, drenched in blood, looking up at the sky” she said quietly, fearful of breaking the crystalline silence that permeated the forest.
    Jodi slowly locked her eyes with Ed, knowing that for all his bluster and wanton use of power as he swings his mighty blades, the gentle barbarian is fearfully protective of his friends, particularly the young elf kneeling within the Druid Circle, as odd as that relationship may seem.
    “He has seen much…I am worried for him, never have I seen someone so tormented, I am afraid he will….”she breaks off with a sob.
    “Do not despair love, he will find the way…remember, it was Lucion’s death that brought him back from Hell’s door”
    “Why now,” she cries “it will be too much for him, first his family, then we lose half our friends to that blasted raid from Dulak, even I’m feeling at odds with the **ZOMG** world!”
    “We must go foolish humans” a voice whispers from among the trees. For all his stealth and the camouflage his Ranger’s mail armor provides, being a Wood Elf Dindom lacks the subtlety his kin the High Elves of Felwithe have in abundance, despite their odd humor and arrogance.
    “Jo, we must leave, the dark elves will be back in numbers, this counter-attack was foolish to begin with” mutters Ed sadly “I will go and get Dred, he’ll be fine…I hope” he adds quietly to himself.
    Visions of the past battle began to filter into his mind, a creeping fear and chill passed through him ever so briefly, but nevertheless, curiously odd for an often berserk warrior. The past events that happened were impossible to comprehend, even a “tank” such as himself knew that what had happened to Dredonvani was impossible and yet the destruction and death was supremely evident all around the forest.
    “Let me join you Sir Ed…I am curious as to how our young friend here initiated the transformation, the Council of Seven would like to know” says Dindom quietly.
    “Leave him alone Din, look at him, I doubt even he knows how it happens, and besides, we don’t know what sort of damage has been dealt to him…if I knew anything about how to fix his mind I would gladly help, but-“
    “We’re a bit lacking in the “Divinity Area” Ed, as well you know, what killed that Dark Elf contingent also knocked out half our support,” curses Dindom “No wait…you are right for a change my tiny friend, we could possibly make things worse by interrogating him”
    As soon as Dindom mentioned this, Ed swung around and angrily walked up to Dindom looking down at him.
    “INTERROGATE! Let’s get one thing straight Dindom, the Council can go jump into the Abysmal Sea, Dred just saved the lives of 8,000 elves and dwarves,” with his eyes blazing furiously Ed slowly turned around and looked at Dredonvani “I do not know how he turned into that dragon and I do not care, he saved us and wiped out that Shadowknight Sect…we were done for”
    “Calm down my friend…a poor choice of words, I defer to your judgement of course” remarks Dindom with exaggerated bravado.
    Taking a moment to calm down, Ed continues walking over to Dredonvani, cursing his stupidity. Dindom will forever be the Council’s Right-Hand, best of friends we all were once, things have changed so much since then.

    Have I lost your trust...
    Why have I been cursed with this…power…

    Dindom tried to sound more sure of himself than he really was, in fact, he was deathly worried. The battle had been lost and all was doomed to despair, if the Tier’Dal could establish a foothold in this region that could pave the way for their Muramite allies to get to the Dwarven Stronghold, and therefore, the only existing Port in Antonica. The Princess and her Guard were about to perish to the Shadow of Darklight, a sect of Shadowknights that use their own energies to create a gate to Discord to bring through Dark minions of Muramite, great hulking beast that were 10 feet tall, every bit as vicious as Trolls or Ogres, yet with intelligence equal that of the greatest Erudite wizards of our time. It took armies of Wayfarer Elite to halt Muram and his dark legions, where as this was a hastily prepared counter-offensive to the Dark Elf insurgency reports that our gnome spy brought in. An army of 20,000 strong, including Orc Legionaires and Dark Elf Minions and that is without the benefit of knowing of the Darklighters.

    As he studied Dredonvani, the bloodcurdling scream came to mind, when he came to the realization that he was to die, a globe of light encompassed the front ranks of both frontlines, and the scream could be heard in the Lesser Faydark Pass and the entrance to Crushbone. For the slightest moment, a chill passed over the entire forest and all save the bravest took a few steps backwards, in fear and sometimes agony, as the light grew and the scream worsened. In a moment of halted time Dindom could reflect proudly knowing that the front ranks of Elves and Dwarves pulled together and braced for a new and possibly worse foe, whereas the orcs with huge grunts and squeals fled until the Muramites pounced on the first cowards, ripping them apart and roaring at the others to halt their retreat.
    For what seemed interminable ages, the light grew from nimbus blue to a flaming red and the scream turned from a high-pitched elven cry to a deep-pitched roar that deafened all within the forest, and as flames licked the treetops, with a sudden terrible insight, Dindom knew, the dragons of old, was again among us.

    “The darkness has returned…fear has begun”

    “We must leave my friend…they will be back, with numbers” Edhammerface whispered softly.
    Curiously Edhammerface began to explore the onset of feelings he never knew he had, memories of his papa prompted him to realize an interesting and strangely compelling thought, he now knew fear.
    “…..Ed…forgive me” whispered Dredonvani, tears still streaming down his face, mixing with the blood and grime, which if it wasn’t for the fact he is elven, would have looked ghastly indeed.
    “Do not fear my friend…it was a shock indeed but we’re all fine, me, Jodi and Dindom to some degree,” Edhammerface chuckled quietly “I think he’s just jealous that all he can turn into is a snotty Wood Elf or a …well a snottier Wood Elf!”
    “That’s not true…I can be arrogant and aloof sometimes” yelled Dindom from the trees.
    “Are you sure that isn’t ignorant and blank Din” remarks Jodi as she walks up to the group.
    “ know me too well Jo, if only I choose you first, instead of that buffed up bearskin over there, frankly, I didn’t realize so much hair could exist on one person” sighed Dindom despite the twinkle in his eyes and cheeks.
    “It’s called being a real man dimwit, one aspiration that is beyond your grasp completely”
    “Rightly so, that almost came close to being an insult…humpf…a real man indeed”
    As everyone watched Dindom stalk off in exaggerated anger the rest of the group cried out in fits of laughter and as he was walking away a misplaced step caused Dindom to fall ungracefully to the forest floor with a loud “Oomph”, dropping everyone to the ground in hysterics with even more fervor. Dindom then got up as fast as he fell and brushed himself off, although everyone knew that a Wood Elf has the surest footing of all creatures and the slight smile on his face was evidence to the fact that he knew the group needed the tension eased somehow and being quite the comedian, he knew what to do.
    As Jodi chuckled to herself she noticed Dredonvani laughing and rolling around on the ground, watching the man she knew reassert himself. The dragon-form was indeed a fright to behold but knowing that Dredonvani was at the center of this fierce creature gave her mixed feelings of relief and worry, relief being that if anyone was to ever to do this, Dredonvani would be the strongest person to keep it in check. Also with worry being that Jodi was afraid his Soul would be lost not to the darkness, but the worm of despair and dread he himself would be feeling which could one day get himself or his friends killed, because he didn’t react. Quietly she cursed whatever Gods brought faith and beliefs into the world, paladins are such noble warriors and are too passionate by far. Creatures of the heart and soul, all else would mean nothing if his companions were in danger, ready to die for a cause or justice, she wondered why the Gods could be so cruel and heartless to let simple men give their all for a belief that will not save a paladin from dying.

    “Let us go now…the Princess will have need for us and I believe we’re all in need of a rest and meal”
    “Come on Dredonvani…let us go drink some of that child’s drink you High Elves think to be ale” Edhammerface said with a smile as he clapped his arms around Dredonvani’s shoulders.
    “Now remember the last time you drank that stuff you climbed to the top of Qeynos Tower and tried to jump into the harbour,” Jodi said with exaggerated disdain as she pulled up alongside Dredonvani and grabbed his hand tightly, eyes twinkling “
    Dred here, now he’s a real man, he appreciates a woman with class and conviction”
    “Hey that’s not fair…some Priest was conjuring more to fill my ale tankard, it didn’t empty!” he moaned aloud.
    “Just admit it Ed…you are still a normal man at heart, big on the outside and tiny in the… middle” Dindom said with a completely straight face.
    “I’ll give you middle Din…COME HERE!”

    As Jodi laughed aloud, Dindom ran away trying to cast Spirit of Wolf on himself and Root at Edhammerface at the same time, unsuccessfully, pulling Dredonvani by the hand they set off to the Tower, and strangely as she looked at the soldiers readying themselves for any further incursions, not a single face looked at Dredonvani in fear, but with awe and determination. As she pondered on this she hoped Dredonvani could see this and strengthen his soul, for nothing means more to a soldier than to have a Commander or a Hero in the midst of warriors of light.
    As she looked at Dredonvani’s face, she breathed a sigh of relief, her elven friend had indeed noticed and a subtle yet noticeable shift in his gait and his back straightening, gave evidence of the unconscious decision to help the forces of light carry the day.
    Maybe this faith of his isn’t totally wrong, Jodi thought to herself, and with a shove she pushed Dredonvani ahead and ran to catch up to the other two who was in the process of one getting a sound drubbing and the other cowering in mock fear.
    The Sun proceeded to set and Luclin, already high in the Sky began to glow brightly, and unbeknownst to the group a shimmering of light appeared in the ever-brightening moonlight, the form of a dragon…vaguely apparent, spoke softly,
    “Grasp your faith young elf, know thy arm shall be steady, and thy will be strong, for while darkness may fall, the light will always return…”
    As the form slowly wavered and faded, a man of quiet yet studious appearance stepped up, saber glowing softly in it’s scabbard, an unearthly red colour that spoke more volumes than the expression on the wanderer’s face. The stranger looked down at the group and focused clearly on the young High Elf running next to the barbarian girl.
    “We shall see Veeshan…we shall see…”

    “Let not the flame extinguish…for it is our light to guide the fallen from the darkness”
