The Person above me should be banned because......

Discussion in 'Non-Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Boadicca, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    ^Should be banned because he is a game spammer :p
  2. ARCHIVED-Wyrmypops Guest

    ^^^ Should be banned because (Chelsith group seeking healer) those little aardvarks things (selling loot rights on [Canine Saliva] PST) in Sinking Sands made me spill my drink in surprise (new guild forming, need two more, pst)with their new spinning animation, and must be to blame.
    Pfsh, spammer indeed.
  3. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    ^Banned for not making any sense.
  4. ARCHIVED-psduckie Guest

    ^^^ should be banned for making sense.
  5. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    ^should be banned for even thinking about banning me.
  6. ARCHIVED-Wyrmypops Guest

    ^^^ Should be banned for joining the thought police.
  7. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    ^should be banned for enforcing a police action
  8. ARCHIVED-Wyrmypops Guest

    ^^^ Should be banned for deliberately confusing enforcing with suggesting, probably in an effort to bring about an aardvarkian apocalypse, or something.
  9. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    ^should be banned for revealing my plan!