The Palace of Sabaron

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Ardrek, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. Ardrek Member

    I did this with a group at 60 and although there were some fairly long fights I couldn't see what everyone was complaining about how hard the fights were. I did it several times through level 65 or so.. then at 67 the group couldn't finish the last boss for some reason but it was late and we just gave up assuming out game was off.

    now at 69 this place is STUPID hard , can't hardly scratch the first boss before we died.. I'm talking about the same group that had no issues with the whole instance at 60. Silly me, I just assumed it would get EASIER as I got better. I hate the auto-leveling in this game. it's just wrong, if they really wanted to level it, it shouldn't be any harder at 69 than it was a 60. I can't remember if the gear was leveling up.
  2. Ardrek Member

    we did this again with a new group, from 60-65 Sabaron was fairly easy, almost had to drag him constantly through the room because he taking so much damage that he was constantly casting tornadoes, one person is 66 and now he doesn't take hardly any damage at all. you can just stand in once place because he's not casting any tornadoes until you've done something like 10% damage to him. this new a group is close to 320 AA so they just melted everything in the instance up to Sabaron, they can take down quite a few raid x4. However, Sabaron went from easy to raid x8 when one person went up 1 level. I guess you just aren't supposed to do Sabaron from 66->69