The Next Prestige House.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Aelfan, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. Aelfan Active Member

    So I bought my barbarian one of those new barbarian-oriented houses. It is beautiful, kudos to the design team on that one. However, I have a problem with it. I may be the only one with this problem, and so I might end up being ignored. My problem is that if this was an island, one high tide would put it under water. It's not as bad as the halfling island, in which the house itself seems to be below water level, but I would still feel very uncomfortable living there. The tenebrous island is much bigger, and there is probably room for an island that size in both of these zones.

    I think I have most of the Prestige homes for one toon or another, and will buy new ones in the future. I have to wonder what happened to the threat of making a Baubbleshire home. I miss that place.
  2. Robynous Well-Known Member

    ooo, Can we have a Fae-oriented house?
    Feara likes this.
  3. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Aren't the Kelethin Acorn houses pretty much Fae-oriented?
  4. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    I always figured the halfling one was on a lake or a sound, as the waves are so tiny, same with the frosty snowy isle.
  5. Robynous Well-Known Member

    They are, but you still have to pay rent. I hate rent. I used to just not like it, but then one of my toons opened their mail to find a message from someone telling me to pay the rent because they wanted to buy my over-priced grass squares. I wish you could buy your house with SC, and have it function like a Prestige house. I must say, I also wish the Prestige homes were spread around a bit, and not only accessible through Qeynos or Freeport, like the Thurgadin Hall.
    Feara and Avahlynn like this.
  6. Feara Well-Known Member

    Hello there Aelfan, I do not think you need to worry about there being a high tide.

    Kindest Regards ~
    jazmeena likes this.
  7. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    There is always the option of consolidating your characters' sales crates at a prestige house, so that rent is never an issue for commerce, and just using the acorn for decorating. Then you could pay rent whenever you wanted company over and not pay rent when you didn't. (Of course, you wouldn't be able to hang out there, either, but I never claimed it was a perfect solution. :p )
    Feara likes this.
  8. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    Next Prestige House: Noob Isle. Plzplzplz.
    Feara likes this.
  9. Aelfan Active Member

    Yes I know! It's silly, isn't it! Somehow I find it perfectly acceptable that I can live on an island that floats in the sky, but am disturbed to live in a house that would be engulfed by a high tide that will actually never come! It may be because I was born by the sea, and now I live next to a Great Lake. Still, if it means another sale of a Prestige home because the SOE devs are catering to the tidaly alarmed, then all well and good. ;)
    Feara likes this.
  10. Aelfan Active Member

    Ouch! Did they buy it anyway? I have one of those prestige homes which are just like the ordinary larger homes in Halas that they were giving away a while back, and I would have to say I find it VERY convenient to not pay rent and to have the ability to place housing portals in other homes. Most of my toons are happy in their starter homes, but I would also be very interested in paying SC to have them function like Prestige homes. Same as the house one of my toons has in Majdul.
  11. Athenia Well-Known Member