The "Loyalty" Achievements

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Kenaye, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. Kenaye Member

    I was looking through my achievements today when I noticed a tab that said "Loyalty". I had never noticed it before (my fault for not looking at my achievements very much) and I was wondering what they are. If anyone could tell that would be a help.
  2. ShaggyBodom Well-Known Member

  3. Kenaye Member

  4. Shmogre Well-Known Member

    They are awarded by completing two parts of the "Daily Objective" is at the top of your Quest Helper, or you can see it in its own tab in your quest journal [hit 'j' to bring it up].

    You can read more about it here, but basically there are random activities to complete each day, two each for crafting/harvesting, adventuring, and PvP. Often they complete while you are just doing whatever you normally do around Norrath; if not, it's usually pretty simple to finish them up [especially since the quest is shared across your account, as are the tokens].
  5. ShaggyBodom Well-Known Member

    He mentioned the Loyalty tab in the Achievements section, not the quests :) The Loyalty section of Achievements is for the recruiting program. There are 6 achievements for it.
    Shmogre likes this.
  6. Kenaye Member

    I do the Loyalty Objectives every day. I just thought that i fit had anything to do with that, I should already have them all by now. Thanks anyway.
    Shmogre likes this.
  7. Shmogre Well-Known Member bad. This ogre is now blushing... :oops: