The Lost Sister ~ A Mac'Teirnan Clan story

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-K'hara, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-K'hara Guest

    This is my first post here..tbh I'm a bit nervous..with that gentle /cringe lol Srsly tho I hope you enjoy my attempt and plz feel free to comment! The Mac'Teirnan clan is one close to my heart and this storyline will be ongoing
    ~The Lost Sister~

    Raevyn Mac'Teirnan pulled her mount up short at the top of the hill overlooking her family farm outside the bustling port town of Halas. Her ice blue eyes took in the scene in the shallow valley as she pushed a stray strand of ravens wing hair out of her face. Strong sunbronzed features were put together to make a very attractive face with high cheekbones, patrician nose over a suprisingly full mouth and a slightly stubborn chin. Dusk was fast approaching and Raevyn could hear the calls to dinner sounding.

    Patting the side of her black Dire Warbears wide neck, she raised the hood of her black cloak and said quietly, "Come Barbas..let's see what sort of welcome we recieve."

    Melodie Mac'Teirnan sat in a corner of the great room, quietly playing her lute and watching her eldest sister Sioban, as she ran a whetstone over her sword and stared out the almost angry look on her face. In deference to the last wishes of her father, Sioban's waist length raven curls were carelessly pulled back and caught up at her nape. Her ice blue eyes flashing angrily. Melodie stopped playing and said quietly, "I don't know why you're so angry, Sio...did ye think she WOULDNA come?" Those eyes snapped to Melodie and pinned her coldy. Mel raised her hands in surrender then she put her lute aside and left to greet her 2nd eldest sister.

    Alexis watched Melodie quietly leave the greatroom and knew Sioban was still inside. Sighing, she squared her shoulders and went inside. Leaning against the door frame she said, "You know...your aura is giving me a headache..even all the way in the kitchen." Sio's eyes met Alexis' and she arched a brow, "Your point?" Alexis' emerald eyes narrowed and she snapped out, "So...KNOCK IT OFF!!" Both brows arched at the snarl from this, her most serene sister...a follower of Tunare a born nurturer..a healer of body and souls. Laying her sword aside, Sioban rose to her full 6'4" height, clasped her hands behind her to stare out the window at the black hooded figure just entering the courtyard. "She's no right to be here." Sioban said tightly. Alexis sighed and moved to stand next to Sio & said, "Course she does...& well you know it. As second eldest her DUTY is to be here." Sio scoffed, "She turned her back on DUTY to this family when she sold her soul into the service of the Overlord!" Alexis placed a calming hand on Sio's shoulder, stopping her from walking out, "You KNOW why she did that." she admonished softly. "THAT excuse will'na work with me anymore...tis done with!"

    Raevyn pulled Barbas up at the nearest tie post and dismounted. Scratching his ear she said quietly, "No hunting near town...or the farms, old friend. NO hunting humans..che?" Barbas snorted and butted his head against her shoulder to indicate understanding. With quick precise movements she removed his armored barding and saddle, leaving the name chain around his neck to signify that he belonged with a warrior and watched him disappear into the woods. Stowing the gear so a worker could put in the the mount barn, Raevyn said without turning, "Your stealth needs work little sister." Sighing, Melodie dropped the magic that blurred her into her surroundings and shook her head ruefully, "One day..." Raevyn chuckled at the disgust in Melodies' voice and turned to face her sister. An outright laugh escaped when Melodie launched herself into Raevyn for a welcoming hug. Pulling back Raevyn said quietly, "Ive missed you little one. How have you been?" A sadness showed in Melodies' eyes and she stepped back, "It's been...difficult..since Da died." Raevyn closed her eyes against the pain of knowing she'd been too late to say goodbye to her father one last time.

    Taking a deep breath she looked at Melodie, "I came as quickly as I could...I was following a trail into Tupta when Alex's message reached me." Melodies' eyes widened hearing this, "And?" she asked hopefully..but Raevyn shook her head, "I'll tell everyone together..I need fresh clothes, a bath and some good food." Putting her arm around Melodies shoulders she headed toward the main house and asked, "Is everyone here?" Mel nodded, "Aye..Valeria was the last to arrive just before you." Raevyn nodded and sighed, "How bad?" Melodie chewed her bottom lip a bit before answering, "You know how Sio is..she's..." "Pissed off?" Raevyn supplied and Mel nodded. "I thought as much. I'll deal with it..not to worry little sister. Is my room still..." " Right where it was...I'll have D'van send a bath up...Pinella's been cooking up a storm all week. She's made your favorite stew and black bread...made sure we had honeyed Faeberrie Mead too..tho no one else can have any." she grumbled the last. Raevyn chuckled then paused as she reached the wide porch. 5 of her sisters stood waiting, Alexis, Alyxandria, Scarlett, Violetta & Valeria. Raevyn looked at each then nodded..smiles broke out and they came en masse to hug her..buffeting her with questions til a stout voice said loudly, "All right...let the gel thru..she's bound ta be a bit fashed!" The crowd parted to reveal a halfling woman with steel grey hair pulled severly back in a bun on top of her head making her violet eyes look huge, standing on the steps, "Git on wit ye now! Let the wee one in tae eat and comfort!" Brandishing a long wooden spoon she shoo'd the sisters back and stood looking expectantly up at Raevyn. Stiffling a grin, Raevyn dutifully lowered herself to one knee to be eye level with Pinella, "Some things never change I see, " Raevyn said, "Still as bossy as ever." Pinella arched a brow but her violet eyes were sparkling with mirth, "Aye..and yer still a mouthy lil lass..I'll box yer ears!" Laughing Raevyn drew the old woman in for a warm hug...letting the smell of jum-jum pastries wrap around her like childhood for a moment...til a hard voice said, "Touching." Releasing a sigh Raevyn stoon to face her twin sister Sioban.

    "Hello to you too sister mine." she said dryly.
    "You dare much coming back here.." Sio's eyes narrowed as the breeze tugged at the cloak Raevyn wore and in one quick move threw one side back to reveal the black and blood red armor of a Guard of Lucan. "Wearing THAT?? How DARE you!!" steel slid against steel as Sio drew her sword out of pure reflex of seeing that armor. Immediately 3 of her sisters formed a wall of outrage in front of Raevyn..keeping her from Siobans wrath. Alexis was the one to speak..a soothing undertone of her magic in her voice designed to calm and soothe, "Sio..have you gone mad? This is our sister! Put that sword away!" Raevyn sighed and pushed her way gently thru her sisters, climbed the stairs to stand eye to eye with her twin, "I rode 3 days to get here non stop...I had no time to change. As a matter of fact I was heading to my room to change before coming to see you all and give you my news. Now. Are you going to challenge me over something this STUPID...OR..are you going to calm yourself..let me change and listen to what I have to say?" Moments ticked by as ice blue eyes met and battled in silence. Pinella was the deciding factor with a stern rap on both women's enough that each jumped and gasped, "Enough!! Sioban Maegia Mac'Teirnan ye'll put that sticker away this INSTANT or I'll thrash ye within an inch of yer life...and YOU, " she turned firey eyes on Raevyn who was still rubbing her butt over her armor..PLATE armor..."git in there and get that hellspawn armor off and dinna let me see it again whilst yer here!" sniffing she whirled and tossed over her shoulder, "Dinner is in one hour...I'll expect ye every one to dress as is proper...AND to get along as a family SHOULD!!" and swept into the house. Raevyn and Sioban stood shocked and watched the little woman disappear. Alexis was the first to laugh. Followed quickly by the others...only to double as both elder sisters turned furious ice blue gazes on them. Sio sheathed her sword muttering, "Fools." and turned on her heal to follow Pinella only to stop as Raevyn grabbed her hand and said quietly, "I'm sorry..I was so intent on getting here with my information that I didn't think..." Sio's eyes met hers for a moment then she nodded and turned to continue into the house only to stop with her hand on the door and say quietly without turning, "Welcome home sister." before disappearing inside.