The Lore and History of EverQuest's past

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Amana, May 26, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    EverQuest has a deep rooted history rich in lore from what I have seen. There is a great thread on the Entire History of EQ1 leading up to EQ2 however one thing I would love to see in there is EQOA. However EQOA has been viewed by many not to be historically accurate or lore accurate in some details.

    The basic premise behind EverQuest Online Adventures is that it takes place 500 years before EverQuest 1 does. There are many areas that have yet to be discovered and radical changes that are happening to influence what many will see in the future or to us the Past of which we call EverQuest.

    As I came into EverQuest 2 I began more and more interested in the lore till the point today when I ventured back in time to EverQuest Online Adventures 500 years before EQ1. I found some rather interesting tid bits that I am wondering how it Influenced EQ1 and possibly will Shape our future of EverQuest2.

    First fact was that Antonius Bayle II was the current ruler of Qeynos (I will add a picture later). He is in diplomatic meetings with the people of High Bourne where the Erudites live currently.

    A second interesting fact is that you can go into the "Frontiers" and meet with the famed Erudite Erud who tells you about the Purposes of Arcaydin. He also gives details of his hopes for this new city Arcaydin and the people he will welcome into it. Interesting side note is right at the entrance they have a shrine to the god "Prexus lord of the sea" where they inscribe a prayer to him praying for safe passage and voyages.

    Another interesting Fact is that the surefall glade is up and being protected by rangers as well as the druids.

    A very problematic piece of lore I have seen and will show a picture of is the ruins of the Tier'Dal city *I believe* that are far out in the Desert. It is in this place where many adventures must complete their final task to earn their rights to wield their most powerful weapons. They must defeat the mighty Lord Chardith, it was through an extreme group effort that my toon got his Epic weapon which was the druidic staff of Elewith *will check spelling* which at the end of the staff has antlers of a great stag from the Plane of Growth. *Below is a picture about the staff that i'm talking about*

    My real hope is that the people who know the lore of EverQuest Online Adventures can come together and we can piece together a history that leads up to the beginning of EverQuest1. The History of Norrath Post helps to lead into the beginning of EverQuest 2 from what I have seen and beyond that is our own journeys.
  2. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Didn't the developers state that EQOA isn't canon though?
  3. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    Unfortunately I don't believe I ever saw that post Cusashorn but if you can direct me to it i'll take a look at it.
  4. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    You're not gonna find one on these boards, sorry.
  5. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    O ok, its np but what do you mean by "Didn't the developers state that EQOA isn't canon though?".
    Unfortunately i'm not familiar with that term nor have I heard it used before.
  6. ARCHIVED-Renita_Serafim Guest

    There is in-game lore that suggests that EQOA is official, such as the 1000 year old elf (Shouldn't he be dead by now? High Elves usually only live a maximum of 600 years.) who remembers Fayspire.
    Message Edited by Astralmage on 05-26-2006 09:50 AM
  7. ARCHIVED-troodon Guest

    I don't think it really matters how seriously the EQ2 Dev team takes EQoA lore. They're going to focus on EQ1 lore whether they agree with all of it or think it's as much of a joke as I do. Maybe they'll add some tie-ins to EQoA, a zone here or a quest there, but an attempt to reconcile everything in that game with what we see in our game is probably a very difficult task. I'd be happy to give it a try, but I never touched your game after beta :smileytongue:
  8. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    If something is Canon, it means that it's officially aknowledged by the creators as an official part of the story/series, etc.

    I know there are EQOA elements aknowledged in EQ2, but for the most part it's story just contradicts too much of EQlive to be aknowledged like that.
  9. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    :smileyindifferent:, heh heh well i'm just trying to see if EQOA is held true or if it is supposed to come under controversy because of the facts and lore that is within it.
    There are a couple of unique parts to it, 1st.) you have Antonius Bayle the Second ruling Qeynos *Age Unknown*, 2nd.) The surefall glade is up and bustling training rangers as well as druids, 3rd.) Erud is creating Arcaydin which to me almost seems like it may become Erudin in EQ1, 4th.) Frogloks are the Enemy in EQOA and are not considered friendly at all the only place you see them is the swamp where the trolls live. Another strange part is the Iksar are not anywhere to be found.
    But I guess the one thing everyone Focuses on like a previous poster said is the 1000 year old Elf.
  10. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Oh about the Frogloks thing.

    Frogloks were always the enemy right from the start of EQlive. Not much lore was revealed about them untill around PoP, and then Legacy of Ykesha after that when they were finally made a playable race. People just assumed they were evil down in Lower Guk because they were undead and malevolent.
  11. ARCHIVED-Zhek Guest

    Only the ones that MM blessed are "good"
  12. ARCHIVED-Vhalen Guest

    Norrathians have returned from the treacherous seas in the northern territories of the Shattered Lands. With them came wondrous tales of sights never seen One of these tales is said to be a glint of light in a deep frozen atoll. The chill of that fills the bowl formed by the steep cliffs of the atoll makes visibility nearly impossible, yet, a ship dared to brave the mist. What they found was deadly to say the least. Only one sailor made it back, the same cannot be said for his sanity. He ended up in the padded cells of the Freeport Infirmary and Asylum. He told a tale of a glint of light shining in the mist. His captain forced the ship into the thick white fog and onward to this glint. They found a frozen tower, an elven tower. This tower seemed to offer no access, but apparently it did withstand a powerful blast of cold wind. This blast froze the tower, made evident by the long thick icicles that stretch off to one side. The sailor said they found a breach within the icy armor of the tower. They all entered, but only one made it out. His mind gone, all he could mutter was the word, "Fayspire". How such a madman managed to sail that ship out of there is a mystery just like the frozen atoll that cannot be found on any map.
  13. ARCHIVED-TheManInTheBox Guest

    Very interesting lore.

    Perhaps we will find this "Fayspire" one day. It would be exciting. I only played EQOA for a little bit, but seeing landmarks from it just makes the lore go that much deeper.

    As for EQOA being acknowledged by the developers.
    I guess thats your answer...

    By the way Vhalen, I'm still waiting on a response in my post. :smileytongue:
    Message Edited by TheManInTheBox on 05-26-2006 10:21 AM
  14. ARCHIVED-Sillililygirl Guest

    reminds me of the tower in velious in EQ1. What was the name of that thing??!
  15. ARCHIVED-Thax Guest

    Tower of Frozen Shadow I think.
  16. ARCHIVED-Borban Guest

    The Tower of Frozen sounds like it to me as well but the only thing that doesnt add up is the fact that Velious was south and these guys were sailing up in the north...unless of course they ended up going around the entire wold and ended up on the southern end eventually.
  17. ARCHIVED-TheManInTheBox Guest

    Tower of Frozen Shadow.

    Edit - Person above me answered it. But Vhalen was definately referring to the Fayspire in my opinion not The Tower of Frozen Shadow.
    Message Edited by TheManInTheBox on 05-26-2006 10:56 AM
  18. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    TOFS.... the tower of frozen shadows ruled by the elven vampric queen... what was her name?
    It was sorta a madhouse i suppose, they shoudl bring lodi back if they bring ToFS back.
    Message Edited by Gungo on 05-26-2006 10:56 AM
  19. ARCHIVED-Borban Guest

    hmmm big ol nasty [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn] turtle that you could kill by charming a little tiny he was fun
  20. ARCHIVED-TheManInTheBox Guest

    Tserrina Syl'Tor, an ex-lover of Mayong Mistmoore.

    Lodizal was a fun fight. Especially when they did the event where they made a lot of the old mobs fabled.
    Message Edited by TheManInTheBox on 05-26-2006 11:05 AM