The Legacy of Brian Nichoals

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-TheMeeka, Nov 24, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-TheMeeka Guest

    The Legacy of "Brian Nichoals"
    11:32 AM November 23,2004 Beggars COurt in FreePort
    After some long Journies from a fraudulent Queen and a couple of Coward Bullies I found myself tired and ready to collect my rewards and rest. I walked into the Court with the rain pouring on my head when spotted an anxious young lad looking at me from across the way. Pretty new to freeport, I was wondering an Inn could be found to shelter my self from this weather. As soon as I walked up to him and was about to speak he started the conversation for me.
    "Have you killed a ... real.. Orc" He asks questioningly"
    I responded with ... sure have young man lets hope you nev... he then cut me off with
    "My dad says Queynos is for the weak and old"
    umm.. Not to upset the overlord... its just a different part of the world its... his rival
    Thinking I was getting through to him .. he says ...
    "Have you killed a reeeaalll Orc" umm... yes.. what the...
    "Why is one moon shattered"
    ... I then begin to walk away slowly only to notice he was still there behind me
    "Why wont anyone pay attention to me" He then followed it with ... some aimless running ...
    "I began to say please quit young man its okay i'll pay attention I keep my graphics settings to high so I can view the beauty and your making it lag geez
    He calmed down and I was already all sprinted out trying to keep up it was time to leave Im sorry kid its raining hard I must... He cut me off again with
    "Have you been to the floating cathedral" umm... actually no...
    "Wheres Queynos?, My father said thats where the old and weak are shipped to."
    Beginning to feel unsettled by this troubled individual The words of a near by dealer sounds so sweet
    "You break it I will break something of yours"
    I wonder to myself... would he break my third leg off.. i'm already completely soaked as an act of desperation I ask the kid where his father is... he reponds with
    "I want to join the freeport militia when I grow up" Then ran off following one of the towns guards... I shrug in relief... and feels its time to call this day quits... maybe tommarow will be better.
    Message Edited by TheMeeka on 11-24-2004 05:33 AM