The Guardian

Discussion in 'Guardian' started by ARCHIVED-Shorcon, May 5, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Eddster2 Guest

    Digg, re your reply - i agree with you entirely... however i'm curious, when your parsing 40k+ as you've posted on another website, are you low down on the guild's parses?

    EDIT: also not bashing you either
  2. ARCHIVED-Macross_JR Guest

    Eddster2 wrote:
    Honestly if he was parsing 40k+ the real dps was probably pushing 65-80k. They have some real beasts.
  3. ARCHIVED-Shorcon Guest

    Did you know there are less than 1k guardians at cap lvl? Did you know there are 2.2k Shadowknights at cap lvl? Did you know the SK is the most played class in the game? Did you know guardian only comes in 2nd least to the monk? Hrm. The hybrid isnt taking over? The Guardian is just fine?
  4. ARCHIVED-woolf2k Guest

    Shorcon wrote:
    that's because guardians have been bred for gaurdian one raid.... so ofcourse they wouldn't be that many....
    the rest of the time any other tank will do for OT in raids. in group dungoens and soloing like pallies, sks and bezerkers...
    so ofcourse people will chose those over the guardian...
  5. ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata Guest

    Why would 1 class out of 24 be designed just for 1 spot in a raid? Is being a main tank in raids so super awesome sauce a class should sacrifice in every possible way to get a raid slot? If so, other tanks shouldn't even be viable. Not only are other tanks perfectly viable to MT raids, they can OT much better, do enough dps to not be a total waste of a slot if they aren't tanking, and they are actually better at MT once the raid gears up a bit. A non-tanking guard is like... the last class you would want in a raid to fill an empty slot. Is being a main tank somehow more important than being a healer or OT, or coercer to keep your healers with mana?
    What other classes are built for raiding and suck at every other aspect of EQ2 compared to other classes that perfrom the same roll? Personally, I think guardians were built for raiding is BS. The only class in worse shape than guardians IMO is ranger, but at least a ranger is fun to play even if they are mediocre compared to assassin and sorcerer.
  6. ARCHIVED-Shorcon Guest

    Rahatmattata wrote:
    Ok. First off guardian/zerk are puretanks. They were designed to front run raids. This is why crusaders were only allowed bucklers in the begining. That is why raid gear was labeled guardian/zerk back then. They were designed to support the tank. They were designed to as you mentioned not waste space in a raid as they could dps somewhat. There was little use of them back then so I dont mind that they have been brought up to the pure tank spread. Thats fine. My problem is soe has gone way overboard with the SK in particular and has done nothing to compensate the guardian. The SK is, as anyone with any skill will tell you, easy button tanking. It's simply hard to loose agro with them. You would actualy need more skill to loose agro on a mob than you would to hold agro. Gaurdians have to chase loose mobs and target them. SK's do not. Guardians have to burn snaps to get agro back on a constant. SK's do not. Guardians run out of snaps and then are left with poooooooor dps to maintain agro. SK's are able to hold agro on the pull with instant dps on the mobs and maintain that agro after their cooldowns have run off which isn't very often.
    The whole point to this is that with all the posting going on from actualy people who play or have played guardians soe should look into them and fix them.
  7. ARCHIVED-Shorcon Guest

    Jaine@Nagafen wrote:
    Wrong. Dead wrong. Guardians used to lead the population cap. Shhhhhh.
    Edited to repeat........ SK is the most played class atm. They are bred for raid, grp, heal, dps, taunt, mit, and everything else you could throw in there.
    Edited again to add...... If we were designed just for raid shouldnt we be the best at it? :)
  8. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    Shorcon wrote:
    I am a bruiser and tanks are relatively balanced. This is the first expansion where all 3 archtypes are wanted on raids and the first expansion where every fighter class is useful on raids. Its obvious you want the status quo back in EOF where guard was the best tank and guard was the best offtank.
    Guard asking for shadowknight aoe agro is broken. Period.
    The only issue right now is shadowknights should not be putting up the dps they do in defensive. They should be nerfed slightly so their dps while in defensive is equivilant or slightly less then a zerker (who ironically tanks in offensive).