The Evertour Entries: The Enchanted Country Villa

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Niboota, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Niboota Well-Known Member

  2. Ocarinah Well-Known Member

    The Far Seas Fountain is a reward from a red shinies collection called Far Trader Relics. The shinies in collection are (thanks to

    Broken Rudder (shinies in Tranquil Sea)
    Captain's Sextant (shinies in Tranquil Sea)
    Far Trader Log Book (shinies in Tranquil Sea)
    Far Trader Pennant (shinies in Tranquil Sea)
    Scorched Goblin Cage (shinies in Tranquil Sea)
    Sturdy Capstan (shinies in Tranquil Sea)
    Waterlogged Boom (shinies in Tranquil Sea)
    Waulon's Lucky Hat (shinies in Tranquil Sea)
    Weathered Tiller (shinies in Tranquil Sea)
    Well Greased Pulley (shinies in Tranquil Sea)
    Wooden Spar (shinies in Tranquil Sea)
    [IMG] Worn Halyard (shinies in Tranquil Sea)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Niboota Well-Known Member

    Thank you again Oaky! I couldn't recall where that came from. Time for me to go shiny hunting!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Hnh! The collection says it's level 80, but what do you need to access the Tranquil Sea? What level/expansion?

  5. Ocarinah Well-Known Member

    Yeah I think they made all red shinies level 80 cuz that is the level you have to wait until you can do the earring quest (like epic weapon for classes). You do have to have expansion to go to Tranquil Sea to get the shinies but you can do on a low level adventurer if you are really careful. I really wish they would remove the lore tag from red shinies. That way can mail someone them to get them started with the collection or even all so they can finish it. I really liked this house. Very cool having the statues embedded into the rocks. Kids themed houses are always so dang cute. :D
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Niboota like this.
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    One thing a buddy of mine could do (she got her Earring WAAAY before Uwk got his) was get into game the same time I was and Trade the Lore stuff, as long as I didn't have 2 of the same thing, of course. ;->

    But at least that explains the "level 80" tag. Thanks! :)
