The Economy

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Manafizzle, Aug 18, 2022.

  1. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    Sadly lowering the cap more would just equal more auction spam at this point. Kronos are rarely on the broker at this point, which kind of takes away the pricing competition. I would rather them raise it again to cover Kronos, and then drop it back when Krono prices go back down. If stuff can not be listed on the broker at the price point it regularly sells for, then people sell in auction and there's no competition to lower prices(because its a game of if the people that want to buy kronos are on at the same time someone is selling) instead of everyone having em on the broker and continuing to drop prices to have the lowest price.
    I do think given time Kronos will get back below 50 mil and that will help, but it's going to take time. Right now on Maj they still can go for 200, though its not uncommon to see them for 100 either(which is a much wider range than we typically see when they are on the broker - people would sometimes sell cheap to unload fast but you were not regularly seeing within the same weeks some kronos going for double the price of others).
  2. Bobbun New Member

    There should be no caps (other than technical ones) for brokerage prices. Pushing sales into "untaxed" channels is counterproductive if the goal is to deflate the in-game economy. There should instead be a cap on how much commission can be avoided, so that high prices result in large amounts of coin being deleted from the game. Also, any listing should be bumped off the broker after fifteen days (players can repost immediately, if they so choose) so that pricing information is always "fresh", thus allowing prices to float down if the goal of shrinking the money supply is achieved.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Hmm...I'd like to see how WoW is doing these days with their pitiful Auction House excuse for an in-game brokerage; that PoS had, at max, 72 hours to sell anything (then your item would get auto-punted back to you in in-game mail; the gods alone know what would've happened if/when your mailbox filled up. Gone forever into the aether, more than likely, and certainly after 30 days if you hadn't picked up your mail; they had a limit for that, too). The only action for trying to sell anything was during the weekends, and keeping an eye on that insanity was about the only thing you could do, rather than anything else. :-/

    "I remember when..." [insert old fogey accent] back when I signed onto this game, back when only one character, per server (OR PER ACCOUNT, I don't recall which) could sell things on the Broker, at least we could leave things on there indefinitely, in the hopes that they might sell someday for a few silver (Uwk here probably does have things still in his various sales crates from those bygone days). But this was back when having over a hundred gold in your Shared Bank, let alone your personal one, was a major milestone.

    The fault isn't in the time allowed. :-/

    Although, it would probably be easiest indeed to just tweak the sales crates, yeah, to have a limit on commission avoidance without completely eliminating those advantages (that in many cases were Veteran rewards, or paid for by getting higher level expacs than just Standard). Could just be a matter of shifting a decimal place, or a fraction.

    Bobbun likes this.
  4. Bobbun New Member

    I'm not suggesting the WoW system, but your issues with it sort of get to why I think items should be automatically popped off the marketplace after a couple of weeks. The idea is to try to counter the market psychology of, "Well, someone else has severed elm posted at 1000p, so I should post it close to that as well!". Keeping those sorts of postings around indefinitely has the potential to create sticky pricing, and that's not what's wanted. You want prices to reflect the availability of coin.

    There should be no issue with in-game email overflowing, as I'm not suggesting the items be returned that way. They should simply be flagged as not for sale on your market board until you return and reflag them, ideally re-evaluating pricing along the way.

    It has been a while since I played WoW, but if I recall the auction house had a deposit for listing an item and if the item didn't sell you forfeited your deposit. I'm definitely not suggesting that for EQ2, but it's worth considering the effect that has on pricing: it motivates sellers to set realistic prices at which an item is likely to sell rather than setting inflated dream prices that contribute to distortions in market pricing.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Whew! Eminently sensible solution, much like how we do our house rents. :)

    That actually would not be a terrible idea, though I can just hear the howls over that now... :-/

    Twyla likes this.
  6. Breanna Well-Known Member

    This thread makes me think about a debate capitalism vs socialism
    Soara2 and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Pretty much, yeah; Victorian Era or 1950s capitalism... ;)

    I do think that economist students and social "scientists" would be fascinated by watching this game the way epidemiologists and social "scientists" were with WoW when they had that plague... ;->

    Soara2, Breanna and Twyla like this.
  8. Riverbear Active Member

    There are hundreds of previous threads covering whimsical fancy about the EQII <non-fixable> economy.
    Yeah verily, this is kicking a dead horse.
    Soara2 and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  9. Thrundaloo Member

    remove the cap on the broker
    anything selling for 50m plus 10% unavoidable broker rate
    anything selling for 100m plus 20% unavoidable broker rate
    anything selling for 250m plus 30% unavoidable broker rate
    anything selling for 500m plus 40% unavoidable broker rate
    anything selling for 1b plus 50% unavoidable broker rate

    or something like this, those with mega plat will list on broker and a percentage of sale leaves the game with every trade.

    i'll take 1% of all plat taken out of the game this way for coming up with a solution :p, or an everquest cookie tin, those cookies are good
  10. Sunlei Well-Known Member

    "Please don't destroy your honest players. You don't discourage cheating by requiring cheater amounts of plat to just be viable."

    I see your point and agree 100%. I don't know what they can do but the game econemy needs fixing especially on live servers. For sure the eq games would have and RETAIN many more new players with a better econemy.

    I also do not like the way crafting fuels were made no value to prevent cheaters from selling their plat laundered fuel mountians. All they do now is bot?? piles of consumables with their free fuels and dominate the broker econemy. pure profits for cheaters and anyone trying to earn honestly is locked out.
  11. Avithax Well-Known Member

    Left the game 4 years ago, this seems the same debate as when I left. If I installed the game I would have hundreds of kronos on my alt accounts but it doesn't seem as if anything has changed. I left because the Russian Oligards owned the game and dictated the raid rules so they could make us seem like we had no clue but now that global circumstances have changed I was hoping things would have lightened up
  12. Tanto Done, finished, gone.

    Daybreak didn't have the spine to block access from Russia. I imagine the sanctions have made paying a sub more complicated for Russian players, and with Krono prices as insane as they are, I imagine it's going to be difficult for them all to sustain membership long term without plat or krono duping. I personally lost all respect for companies who just silently shuffled backwards into the shadows when the world was demanding they pull out of Russia. It's one of several reasons why I won't ever pay money to Daybreak again.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  13. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Apparently someone agreed, and fuels are now No-Value, so they can't be re-sold back to an NPC vendor. They can still be sold on the Broker, but it's a very silly person who'd go on the Broker for what will surely be far more expensive than just finding a Fuel Merchant.

    Breanna, Twyla and Riverbear like this.
  14. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    There was a time when DBG was owned by Nova Columbia, or Columbia Nova, or whatever the hell it was (just an investment type company; I hear Smed was desperate to get the hell out of Dodge -- er, SONY); we were worried for a bit when the Feds were investigating just about every Russian-owned company here in the U.S. and were seizing assets left and right, but apparently we got sold to/bought up by a nice Swedish-based actual game company. ;->

    And once upon a time, I think back when we were still SOE, we had at least one, if not two servers over in Russia, 'cause we had a player community there. If there were two, they got merged, then they got folded into the "One Big Happy European Family! :D" of Thurgadin during The Great Consolidation while Sebilis (the Japanese server) got folded into Antonia Bayle.

    So, presumably there are still Russian players, and I don't hold them accountable for what their idiot leader's doing this week. X-P

  15. Manafizzle Well-Known Member

    Dude, Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Twyla like this.
  16. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Brilliant! Did you do the art, Mana? :D

  17. Manafizzle Well-Known Member

    I did.

    My way of saying I don't think it's completely hopeless.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  18. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Excellent. Thank you for both. :)

  19. Miragian Well-Known Member

    To be fair, the devs and others in charge of the game are do some things to try to combat the issues with the game economy. If they truly didn't care, as some have claimed, why bother with any corrective action. They wouldn't have put in the broker cap or ban any of the people that expoited kronos and thus removed at least a portion of the over abundance of plat from the game.

    I can't think of any real universal "fix" for the economy that isn't going to upset a ton of players. And that would be burn Norrath's banks down, and switch to some other new currency. No warning, no conversation of old money, no selling vendor items for the new currency, just burn it all.

    The only other thing I could come up with, that likely can't legally be done, is Daybreak themselves selling krons for plat, and then just deleting the plat. Thus removing it from circulation. And who knows, maybe that's being done on some small scale. As long as its not advertised and isn't on a massive scale it could remove some without much trouble.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Twyla like this.
  20. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Yeah, maybe, but that might not be an actual big, useful solution, and would also be a bit tetchy. I like the idea of reducing the "savings" one gets from fancy sales crates, things like that, more across the board. /shrug
