The Con Man's Bounty

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Kcool005, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. Kcool005 Active Member

    Is there any reason why this isn't tank click able? i understand the effect says if not fighter, but honestly what scout will want to use this item? -- Can we please make this tank usable would be amazing for tanks.. OR was it intended to be tank usable and just bug'd? (i hope)

  2. Malleria Well-Known Member

    I'm betting its a deliberate setting. The worn effect gives everyone in the group a dps proc, but in a pinch (like say your tank goes down) you can click it and become a temporary tank. The threat positions and threat every 3sec ensures you hold agro, while also giving you nice avoidance and a mit boost.
  3. corruptbiker Member

    Can we please get an answer on this I have people saying in not usable by fighter but the way I read it is that the passive effects suspend if not a fighter I as a pally have this but the click does not work and if this is not a fighter charm then you need to really make it more clear that this is a scout charm, and if so why would you give scout that?
  4. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    So a scout can tank things when the tank dies. It's quite clear the clicky isn't fighter usable.
    Sylke likes this.
  5. Avithax Well-Known Member

    This item is on the top of my must have items as a bard, adds hate to the tank and saves the day if he goes down.
  6. Kcool005 Active Member

    why a scout would waste a charm slot on that is beyond me, when there's much better charms they could wear..

    Now if we could swap items like back in the day mid-combat, then this be awesome, but otherwise i highly doubt any scout will wear this item -- just take the fighter restriction off!
  7. Estred Well-Known Member

    Because some players realize there is worth in bringing utility/benifit to a group rather than buffing themselves. If a Scout can hold a boss just long enough to revive the tank it could prevent a Wipe, very strong really.
  8. Kcool005 Active Member

    Mob would of died before tank got 1shotted if the DPS geared correctly.
    Chronus likes this.
  9. The_Cheeseman Well-Known Member

    This would be rediculously OP for tanks. It is obviously an item for a non-fighter who wants to support the tank, and have the capability to offtank temporarily.
  10. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    Silly me, I forgot I'm a terrible scout who has no idea what he's talking about and was unaware one charm slot decision lowered my dps by multiple millions.

    Maybe that's why I'm parsing half of what summoners do.
  11. Kcool005 Active Member

    you must play with some awesome tanks if you need to run that crap charm.

    Also still don't see why a scout would give up EV charm, or the Halls charm for that, when you're gonna have aggro anyways if the tank dies, and if the tank died to the sony random 1 shots, you're gonna get killed anyways.

    I mean you can be the best player in the game WW, as you obviously feel you're, and i will still say anyone who uses that charm full-time(for the chance there tank dies!) is wasting there charm slot.
    xkrisx likes this.
  12. Estred Well-Known Member

    Any you, like Buffrat or myself or anyone for that matter. May have their own views on such an item. That's the wonderful thing about the world, everyone can have their own opinion. The problems arise when people don't realize that it's alright for opinions to be different.

    Do note, I am not bashing on you for thinking it's a worthless charm, just stating a fact that a few posters seem to have forgotten.
  13. Benjamin Member

    I got this on my berserker, and I'm really mad. There we just killed Bolgin, and an item drops that has such obvious tank-value written all over it that the group just gave it to me. Nobody bothered to read to the FIFTEENTH freaking line in the description where it says "If not fighter." Shocked. Just totally shocked.

    Now I have to get an unattuner and decide whether to put this thing on my troubie. But all this could have been avoided by a simple description or class limitation: "Usable by All Mages, Scouts and Healers" or at least put the "If not fighter" warning on the first line. If I had known is was for Scouts, I would have thought "Hey, that's a pretty neat item, and I can see why it'd be fun to make sure someone other than the tank has to use it." If, for example, the item had been RED, like any other unusable item, I would have been totally fine, instead of totally p!$$ed.

    Total derp move in describing this, IMO.
  14. Skream Member

    Always read the small print!