The Collector's ... Can this set be fixed?

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Vlkodlak, Mar 23, 2024.

  1. Vlkodlak Well-Known Member

    The purple adorns for completing each level of the meta quest should be something awe-inspiring and powerful. This is the lamest set of adorns I have ever seen. These are example of adorns that would be left to rot in the boxes after they were opened. There needs to be major work done to this set to make it worth wearing. The very loudly glaring omission is the lack of CB that we would all have to sacrifice in order to put these on. Who would trade CB adorns that drops in solos for a adorn set with none? Remember this is for completing every meta level, there should be at least 5k CB as one of the tiers"
    (2) 27.5 Flurry - since auto attack was nerfed into extinction, it is less than 1% of my total dps
    (3) Should be 7,000 potency since everyone's potency is now well over 1 million, 700 us worthless.
    (4) 5,000 Crit Bonus / Crit Bonus Over cap
    (5) 21.4 Fervor OC, would be nice if this was higher like the 80

    Until then these will sit in the bank till they are destroyed with the other worthless adorns.
  2. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    You get it for literally running zones and clicking want awe inspiring for little effort? At least with the other purples you have to run until your RNG deems it worthy to drop lol. You can even buy the shinies if u choose to.