Thanks for the Infusion nerf

Discussion in 'PvP TLE Discussion' started by Raeven, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. Raeven Well-Known Member

    I don't who the hell whined enough to get druids nerfed, but to hell with you.

    In pvp combat yesterday my Infusive Wrath for my level 70 warden was doing 14 points of damage. The opponents did more, about 50 points, probably because they are twinked with gear that gives them more wisdom.

    Why not just make Infusive Wrath not apply at all in pvp combat? As it is, it is pretty much useless.

    About the only advantage a druid had was being able to do damage while healing. How the hell is a druid supposed to survive in pvp? We wear leather, so take a lot of damage. Have to heal ourselves in order to survive, which now means we are doing negligible damage. Not that we did much damage to begin with, even using our damage spells.

    Oh, yeah, I know -- druids should ONLY go out with a group. Of course, they will be targeted for death first, so ONLY go out with a group that has a tank to pull aggro off you.

    Wow, what fun.

    My advice to anyone considering making a druid on Tarinax is: DON'T. I sincerely wish I hadn't, and invested all the time to get her to 70. Guess I'll just stop playing her and level up my brigand and shadowknight instead.
    Sunlei and Kittybock like this.
  2. Kittybock Well-Known Member

    My hubby mained a Defiler on AB, so he'd rolled a warden on Tarinax. Your points about survival in PvP are valid. During the double XP, we leveled up an Illy for him to swap out to.

    Note: We did find that the warden paired well with a 2nd heal in group, plus it helps if the tank takes the druid's damage, if they can handle the hit.

    On rolling an SK...they are super fun and great in groups, but Freep is littered with em. I recently geared up a Bruiser and am swapping between the two. I'm not used to the Bruiser yet, but their CC capabilities are solid. I just can't turn out the dmg on her that I could on a Zerker or SK though. /shrug
    Raeven likes this.
  3. Twinbladed Well-Known Member

    We use druids more than any other healers. They have naturally faster spells, lower reuse timers and are easier geared and the only healers with aoe blockers.
  4. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    Not to mention Wardens have AA that allows for 2 hits on a death interventions, and are the only priest with a group DI (with 2 hits). It's SO much easier to stop and cast a heal when you are running on a druid than on any other kind of healer.

    Wardens have a self mitigation buff that makes them well able to take a beating, leather armor notwithstanding. In fact, comparing mitigation with a plate wearer and it's pretty close (depending on quality of that buff). Combat arts created with AA create very decent healing whilst hitting people. Wardens also have more ticks per heal than Furies, but Furies can nuke for way harder.

    And yes, you have to heal yourself while in a battle. The point is, you CAN. Many classes can't.

    So it's not druids the OP is having an issue with, it's Fury.