Thank you

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Cuelaen, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cuelaen Guest

    I just got my power back last night, after it being out since sunday afternoon, and i worked friday, saturday and sunday, so i didnt have time to take advantage of the double exp as much as i would have liked. Not only was i happy to hear that there is going to be another double exp weekend this weekend, but i also read that they put off the triple sc till sunday, so that we could also take advantage of it-that was really cool of you folks, you certainly didnt have to do it, and i appreciate it. I was very lucky that all i lost was my power, and had to spend a few nights in the cold-there are others who weren't so lucky, and are still without power-and homes for that matter. It's just nice to know that there are businesses like yours who genuinely care about your customers.

    Thanks again
